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On Relations between Song Dynasty and Vietnam

导  师: 马明达

学科专业: 060105

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 宋朝与越南的关系是宋朝最重要的对外关系之一,也是中国古代与越南关系史的最重要阶段.两宋与越南北部的交阯及南部的占城一直保持着政府间的通使关系,来往频繁,内容丰富,这构成了宋、越关系的主要形式,是双方经济文化交流的基础.本文略分六个部分.第一部分是《宋朝周边形势及外交政策》,简述宋朝周边形势及与之相应的对外政策;第二章为《宋朝与交阯的关系(一)》,考察北宋与交耻丁氏、黎氏王朝的关系及宋、黎军事冲突爆发的根本原因;第三章《宋朝与交阯关系(二)》着重论述两宋与交阯李氏王朝的关系,并对宋代中、越边界的形成、宋李边境侬智高事件、南宋与蒙元和交阯的三边关系等问题进行了探讨;第四章是《宋朝与交耻关系中的占城》,讨论宋、占关系及宋、交、占三边关系的相互影响;第五部分是《宋朝与越南经济与文化交流》,考察宋、越经济关系、文化交流与移民问题;第六部分为结语,总结了宋、越宗藩关系的本质特征,并对影响中、越关系正常发展的几个主要因素提出了自己的看法. Relations between Song Dynasty and Vietnam are not only one of the most important external relations of Song Dynasty but also a major stage of the whole history of the ancient China-Vietnam relations. Throughout the period of both Northern and Southern Song Dynasties, there were frequent and colorful official contacts between the Song Dynasty and both the Jiaozhi Government in the North and the Champa Kingdom in the South of Vietnam, which formed both the major expression of the friendly relations between them and the foundation of the economic and cultural exchanges.The dissertation consists of six chapters. Chapter I is Peripheral Situation of the Song Dynasty and Corresponding Policies, stating briefly the Song Dynasty's surrounding situations and her corresponding external policies. Chapter II is Relations between the Song Dynasty and Jiaozhi /(I/), observing the diplomatic relations between the Song and both the Dings'and the Lis'dynasties as well as the essential reasons of the war between the Song and the Li Dynasties. Chapter III, Relations between the Song Dynasty and Jiaozhi /(II/), focuses on the relations between the Song Dynasty and the Li Dynasty founded by Li Gongyun, the formation of China-Vietnam border, the Nong Zhigao Uprising and the trilateral diplomatic relations among the Song, the Yuan and the Vietnam. In Chapter TV, the Champa Kingdom in the Relations between the Song and the Jiaozhi government, discussions are made on the diplomatic contacts between the Song Dynasty and the Champa Kingdom, and the bilateral relationship among the Song Dynasty, the Jiaozhi and the Champa Kingdom. Chapter V, Economic and Cultural Exchanges between the Song Dynasty and Vietnam, concentrates on the study of the economic contacts, cultural exchanges and mutual migrations between them. Chapter VI, the Conclusion, serves as a sum-up of the essential features of the Song-Vietnam Suzerain-Feudatory relationship. Also, some personal observations are given on the major elements undermining the relations between the

关 键 词: 宋朝 交阯 占城 宗藩关系 文化交流

领  域: [政治法律—政治学] [政治法律—外交学]


作者 邓昌友
作者 王继东
作者 苏苑
作者 章扬定
作者 孟繁业


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学文学院中国文化史籍研究所
机构 暨南大学文学院


作者 唐娟
作者 孙晓玲
作者 宋腊梅
作者 刘琳
作者 范绍庆