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The Analysis of Developmental Level and Characteristics of Preschool Teachers' Self-Regulated Learning

作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳大学师范学院

出  处: 《教育学报》 2018年第3期89-102,共14页

摘  要: 自主学习作为幼儿园教师专业发展的一条有效路径,其发展水平直接关系到师资队伍的整体素质乃至整个学前教育的质量。应用自编的幼儿园教师自主学习量表,对全国1192名在职幼儿园教师自主学习的发展水平进行调查,结果显示当前幼儿园教师自主学习的发展水平令人担忧,突出体现在学习的自我效能感、知识的转化与实际应用、批判质疑的意识与行为以及对学习的计划与调节等方面。幼儿园教师自主学习水平的发展有如下特征:在教龄上呈现出四阶段的发展趋势;整体发展水平受制于偏低的学历门槛;学习策略水平受限于人才培养的规模;学习主动性和积极性囿于现行职称制度的流弊;职位升迁并非激励教师自主学习的"灵丹妙药";编制的获取亦难以长效推动教师的自主学习。尽管园所性质和地域等外部环境因素在幼儿园教师自主学习水平上的主效应并不显著,还是需要给予民办幼儿园和农村幼儿园教师更多的政策支持,加强园内、园际、园校之间的交流与合作,着力提升其批判质疑和分享交流学习策略的运用水平。 As an effective path for the professional development of preschool teachers, the development of self-regulated learning is directly related to the quality of the overall teacher team and the whole pre- school education. An investigation of the developmental level of self-regulated learning of 1192 in-service preschool teachers in China was carried out using the self-designed preschool teachers' self-regulated learn- ing scale. The results show that the current developmental level of preschool teachers' self-regulated learning is worrying, which is reflected in the self-efficacy of learning, the transformation and practical ap- plication of knowledge, the consciousness and behavior of criticism and query, and the planning and ad- justment of learning. After further analysis, it is found that the development of preschool teachers~ self- regulated learning level shows the characteristics as follows: there were four stages of the development of preschool teachers' self-regulated learning level; preschool teachers ' self-regulated learning level was re- stricted by the low educational threshold; preschool teachers' self-regulated learning strategies were re- stricted by the scale of training' preschool teachers' awareness of self-regulated learning was limited by the disadvantages of the current professional title system; promotion was not a panacea for preschool teachers' self-regulated learning' the government staffing system can't promote the sustained development of preschool teachers' self-regulated learning. Although the main external environmental factors, such as the nature and region of preschool, did not have obvious influence on preschool teachers' self-regulated learning level, we still need to give more policy support to the teachers of private preschools and rural pre- schools to strengthen their communication and cooperation within and between preschools and that be- tween preschools and primary schools and improve the application of the learning strategies of criticism and que

关 键 词: 幼儿园教师 自主学习 发展水平 发展趋势

领  域: [文化科学—学前教育学] [文化科学—教育学]


作者 张娜
作者 曾淑玲
作者 海鹰
作者 熊焰
作者 廖莉


机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东技术师范学院教育学院
机构 惠州学院
机构 深圳大学师范学院


作者 费广洪
作者 刘华
作者 秦毅
作者 张龙
作者 黄晓彤