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Typology of the Interactions between Academic Logic and Bureaucratic Logic in Chinese Universities

作  者: ;

机构地区: 香港中文大学

出  处: 《高校教育管理》 2013年第2期20-32,共13页

摘  要: 现代大学从组织形式与内涵上已经成为"学术共同体"与"科层制"复合共生体。学术权力与行政权力以各自不同的逻辑影响着现代大学内的组织决策。虽然中国大学的内部决策机制长期以来被诟病为强党政—弱学术,但是对其校内院系与大学层面真实的组织决策互动缺乏细致而贴切的实证研究。由于本科专业在中国的大学中是知识、学术和教育的实体性分类,是否设置某新专业背后既牵涉学科知识的发展、人才培养的知识基础等学术考虑,也涉及校内具体的经费、空间、人力、设备仪器等实际资源的分配决定,因此校内有关本科新专业的校内决策可以充分体现现代大学逻辑中的学术逻辑与行政逻辑的和谐与冲突的复杂互动关系。本研究以两所案例大学于2004年至2006年年间的本科新专业设置为例,归纳了六类院系与大学层级间的互动类型,并以具体的专业设置案例展现了不同类型下所产生的"顺利"与"难产"的专业设置决定。 Modern university has evolved into a compounded modern organization as academic commu nity in bureaucracy. Both academic authority and bureaucracy have projected themselves in the every aspect of organizational decisions through respective logics. Although the Chinese university has long been criticized for its strong party/bureaucracy-and weak academic organizational decision style, cm pirieal studies of the real operation and tile interactive decision-making process between schools/de partments and the university are lacking. Academic programs in Chinese universities are realized care gories of knowledge, discipline and education. The decision of establishing an academic program is considered by the academic authority on its knowledge and educational foundation, as well as by the bureaucratic authority on such resource allocation as funding, space, personnel and other facilities. Therefore it fully reveals the interactions between the academic logic and the bureaucratic logic charac terizing the institution of the modern university. The present study took the case of the decision mak ing of establishing new undergraduate academic programs in two universities in China from 2004 to / S 2006 and concluded with six types of the organizational decisions between schools/department.' and the university, under which easy or difficult processes to produce a new academic program are manifested with specific empirical cases.

关 键 词: 现代大学制度 学术逻辑 行政逻辑 组织决策 专业设置

领  域: [文化科学—高等教育学] [文化科学—教育学]


作者 程瑛
作者 李俏
作者 张建岗
作者 刘凌
作者 张万峰


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 香港中文大学
机构 深圳大学


作者 吴慧明
作者 李均
作者 陈朝萌
作者 李春红
作者 刘兰平