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The Product Mechanism of Diglossias TOT:Evidence from Mandarin-Cantonese Diglossias

作  者: (陈俊); ; (张积家); ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《心理科学》 2013年第1期26-32,共7页

摘  要: 舌尖现象(Tip-of-the-Tongue phenomenon,TOT)是言语产生中的一种常见现象。国外研究发现,双语者和单语者的舌尖现象差异很大。双言和双语既相似,又存在差异。以粤语-普通话双言者为被试,比较了普通话熟练和不熟练的被试在使用不同语言命名时的TOT产生率。结果发现:(1)粤语-普通话双言者的TOT率受普通话熟练程度影响。普通话不熟练的粤语-普通话双言者用普通话命名时产生更高的TOT率。(2)语言启动能够调节粤语-普通话双言者的普通话熟练程度与TOT产生的关系。在语言启动条件下,普通话熟练的粤语-普通话双言者的TOT率更高。(3) The tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) phenomenon is an intense feeling that the sought-after information is known and that the information will pop into the mind at any moment. Until now, researchers have proposed five theories to explain the TOT's production. These are partial activation theory, transmission deficit hypothesis, blocker hypothesis, metacognitive control theory, and quantitative neural network model. But most of the results from cross,linguistic area support the first two theories. Due to the complexity of Chinese language combined with its difficult operation, there has been a lack of diglossia TOT studies in China. Based on the research of bilinguals, we want to explore how the familiarity of a dialect can influence the TOT and what the mechanism of this diglossia's TOT is. A total of 68 subjects participated in this research. All subjects were native Cantonese speakers, and were randomly chosen from a junior high school in Guangzhou suburbs. Thirty-nine of them can speak fluent Mandarin, while 29 can speak Cantonese but not smoothly. This research contained two experiments. In each session, the subject and the experimenter were one-on-one and the experimenter recorded partieipant's response in the whole course. At last, we used mix design variance analysis to process the data of PTOT rates and GOT rates. In Experiment 1, we compared the GOT and TOT rates of two kinds of participants when using different languages. The results showed a significantly higher TOT rates and lower GOT rates for these participants who are unfamiliar with Mandarin. This confirmed the partial activation theory in a preliminary fashion. In Experiment 2, we added auditory priming information as an independent variable, and explored the difference of GOTs and TOTs when naming in different languages and in different priming conditions. The results showed that GOT rates were higher in the condition of Mandarin and Cantonese priming than in unrelated priming, and the TOT rates were significantly higher when priming and nami

关 键 词: 双言 舌尖现象 部分激活理论

领  域: [哲学宗教—基础心理学] [哲学宗教—心理学]


作者 苏玲
作者 邢诗琪
作者 李广华
作者 赵青
作者 潘敬儿


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 香港中文大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院


作者 张丽莲
作者 倪坚
作者 程建伟
作者 杨彪
作者 杜平