机构地区: 中山大学法学院
出 处: 《政法学刊》 2012年第4期29-33,共5页
摘 要: 食品药品安全的监管问题包括两个层面,即在构成犯罪的场合,属于刑事法律的规制;在违法违规层面,则属于行政法的管辖范围。鉴此,应针对当前监管机制存在的问题,围绕主体厘清、责任明确、制度建构和法条完善四点,展开讨论。通过对相关问题的现状及其成因的检视,提出应对建议,以期食品药品安全监管问题研究的进一步深入和完善。 The food and drug safety regulations contain two aspects: in the occasions of constituting a crime,the criminal law is used to make the security;in the level of law-breaking,the jurisdiction of the administrative law shall prevail.In view of this,the study focuses on the current supervision mechanism,the existing problems of the main body,the clear responsibility,system construction and law perfect.Through the related issues discussed from the present situation,a proposal is thus put forward to enhance food and drug safety regulations.
关 键 词: 食品药品安全监管 解决路径 刑法完善 行政管理
领 域: [政治法律—法学]