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文献详细Journal detailed


导  师: 平洪

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: Traditional translation theory holds that a translator should be objective, should reproduce original text faithfully, and should be able to seek a freedom from the tyranny of subjectivity. This dissertation proposes that the obtrusion of translators in translation practice derived from subjectivity does exist whether we admit it or not, and any translated texts are results of translators’ motivated choices. Starting with a revisit to the notion "translation", "translator" and that of "culture", the thesis reiterates the importance of studying translation as a process in intercultural communication rather than an end product, and therefore translator’s cultural identity should never be neglected. This is especially the case in literary translation, which has its own special characteristics compared with other kinds of translations. The notion of "translator’s subjectivity" is elaborated on through reviewing related theories and through examining the manifestations of translator’s subjectivity The "Cultural Turn" in translation study, especially polysystem theory, Skopos theory, and deconstruction theories are reviewed to help understand the connotation of translator’s subjectivity from different perspectives. Translation, as a conclusion, should be viewed as a kind of cultural interaction, and translators always provide vital links enabling different cultures to interact. On the basis of the above theoretical framework, this dissertation then explores the manifestations of translator’s subjectivity in translation practice. Translator’s subjectivity runs through the whole process of translation (from the understanding of source text and the expression of his/her understanding). In the latter category, target culture background, intended readership, guiding translation theory or. strategy of the translator, and the position of translated literature within literary polysystem are all factors that influence translator’s subjectivity, which then leads to different tra

领  域: [文学—文学理论]


作者 洪翠萍
作者 时波
作者 汪娟娟
作者 马宏
作者 邓婕


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学外国语学院
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院
