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Some Fragments of Pre-Qin Period

作  者: ;

机构地区: 郑州大学文化与传播学院

出  处: 《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2003年第4期33-36,共4页

摘  要: 《金人铭》是先秦佚文,《漆雕子》和《鬼谷子》乃先秦佚书。《金人铭》当产生于春秋时期孔子之前,并非刘向所伪撰,其理由是:《金人铭》最早著录于先秦的《荀子》而非汉代的《说苑》,《席铭》等四篇战国中期以前的作品乃节录、拼凑《金人铭》而成,《老子》曾袭用《金人铭》的观点和成句,《金人铭》与春秋时期铭文文体的形式特征相吻合。《漆雕子》的作者当为孔子弟子漆雕开,漆雕开有可能名启字子开;《鬼谷子》是一部渊源有自的先秦古书,不宜视为后人假托,其佚文的辑录情况比较复杂。 A lot of writings produced before the Qin Dynasty (namely before 221 BO have been lost, yet some fragments have been preserved as quotations in some ancient books. Although scholars in the past have done a great deal in differentiating and collecting them, their work has still left much to be desired on the whole. According to the present writer,金人铭(Jin Ren Ming) must have been written in Spring and Autumn Period prior to the time of Confucius;漆雕子(Qi Diao Zi) must have beer written by Qi Diaokai, a disciple of Confucius who also styled himself Zikai;鬼谷子(Gui Gu Zi), also written before the Qin Dynasty, should not be counted as a work forged by scholars of later generations.

关 键 词: 先秦佚文 作时 作者 辑录

领  域: [文化科学—图书馆学]


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