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The Popularization and Consumption of Lyrics and Dramatic Songs in the Northern Song Dynasty

作  者: ;

机构地区: 常德师范学院

出  处: 《长沙电力学院学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第2期84-88,共5页

摘  要: 词曲传播、词曲消费是北宋时代较为兴盛的两种词学活动。其传播类型有书信传播、书籍传播、宫廷应制传播、歌楼酒宴传播、送别赠答传播、郊外畅游传播等,其传播主体分别是词人、书商、歌妓等;其消费特点是全民性、娱乐性、二重性。传播-消费活动的兴盛,在于汴京具有优良的外部传播-消费条件,北宋词具有成熟的内部传播-消费机理,汴京词曲传播-消费是一个良性的循环链。北宋人在大量实践的基础上,酝酿了粗浅的词曲传播-消费理论,其传播理论的核心———被传播的就是优秀的,其消费理论的核心———词曲消费是一种正常的、客观的、大众娱乐的精神活动和商业活动。 The popularization and consumption of lyrics and dramatic songs used t o enjoy great prosperity in the poetic circles of Northern Song Dynas ty. The lyrics and dramat ic songs became popular among the lyrical poets, booksellers and prostitutes in various forms through letters, books, court receptions, feasts and banquets in s inging houses, farewell gifts and sightseeing in the outskirts. The consumption had the characteristics of pleasure, duality and popularity over the entire nati on. The flourishing activities began under three major conditions, firstly the condu cive external background of Bianjing, secondly the matured internal mechanism of the lyrics and dramatic songs, thirdly the adequate circulation process of spre ad and consumption in Bianjing. On the basis of writing practice, people in Nort hern Song Dynasty formed a preliminary popularization-consumption theory. The po pularization theory was based on the proposition that popularity was a sign of q uality while the consumption theory considered the lyrics and dramatic songs as an ordinary, objective, public form of entertainment as well as business activit y.

关 键 词: 北宋词 词曲传播 词曲消费 汴京 循环键

领  域: [文学—中国文学]


作者 翦伯象
作者 王玫
作者 熊鸣琴
作者 张立娜
作者 姚季冬


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学文学院中国文化史籍研究所
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学文学院


作者 周礼红
作者 祝学剑
作者 张克
作者 李红霞
作者 武怀军