作 者: ;
机构地区: 韩山师范学院历史系
出 处: 《西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2014年第1期11-15,共5页
摘 要: 晚清实录、圣训纂修是清代实录馆常态化的工作。翁同龢在宣宗、文宗实录、圣训编纂中都发挥了一定的作用。特别在文宗实录、圣训编纂中,翁同龢以帮办总纂官、总校官的身份,全力从事实录编纂和恭阅圣训的工作,在实录、圣训的体例设计、史料征引、人事安排、实录编纂程式、赏叙机制等方面都有清晰、明确的记载,为我们进一步了解清代实录馆运行的实态提供了重要的史料。 Compiling memoir of late Qing Dynasty and imperial commandments is the routine for the Memoir Institution in Qing Dynasty. Weng Tonghe played a part in XUAN Zong and WEN-Zong memoirs and imperial commandments. As deputy general editor and proofreader, he played an indispensable in compiling WEN-Zong memoir and imperial commandments. He made clear and definite records of the style design, quotation of historical facts, personnel arrangements, the compiling procedure and the mechanism of appreciation and narration, which provides us important historical data for further understanding of the practical operation of the Memoir Institution in Qing Dynasty.
领 域: [历史地理—历史学] [历史地理—中国史]