作 者: ;
机构地区: 淮北煤炭师范学院安徽文献研究中心
出 处: 《东方论坛(青岛大学学报)》 2006年第3期97-101,共5页
摘 要: 纪事本末体史书,是一种以历史事件为主的史书体裁。这种史书体裁因“文省于纪传,事豁于编年,决断去取,体圆用神”,利于彰显历史发展的大势,受到史家的青睐,逐渐成为与编年体、纪传体、典志体相颉颃的四大史书体裁之一。晚清时期,由于西方入侵造成的严峻形势,要求史家因时变革,敢于创新体例,撰写符合时代需要的纪事本末体史书。鉴于此,晚清史家针对纪事本末体史书在发展过程中出现的流弊,注意吸收其它史体的优点,形成以纪事本末体为主,多种体裁配合的新形式,逐渐形成具有近代色彩的纪事本末体史书编纂的新模式,其成就不容低估。 Even- based way of presenting history well shows the trends of historical development and this way of presenting history is popular with historians. In the late Qing Dynasty, China was in a critical situation due to the aggression by Western powers. Historians felt it urgent to reform the way of writing history and they developed the event - based method of presenting history. Their achievement can not be underestimated.
领 域: [历史地理—历史学]