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Yun Yuding's Characteristics and Values of Theory on History as in Cheng Zhai Diary

作  者: ;

机构地区: 韩山师范学院历史文化学院

出  处: 《苏州科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第2期87-94,共8页

摘  要: 晚清史官恽毓鼎,久领兰台十九年,博通经史,为著名史学家。由于长年伴驾,恽毓鼎又掌握了大量鲜为人知的历史信息,具备丰富的史学见解,其史学论述正是其史学思想的集中反映。基于此,以《澄斋日记》为核心史料,尝试对其史论进行分类,并结合恽毓鼎传统士人的心态,分析其史论特点,提炼其史论的学术价值与史料价值。在评述其史论的价值基础上,将恽氏史论置于晚清时代巨变的背景下,客观地衡估其史论的得失。 Yun Yuding,serving as a leading historian in the late Qing dynasty for nineteen years,being proficient in history and classics.Because Yun Yuding had accompanied the emperor for a long time,he mastered a large number of little-known historical information,having accumulated a wealth of historical insights.His expounding of history was the concentrated reflection of his historical thoughts.With Cheng Zhai Diary as the kernel historical data,combined with the mentality of Yun Yuding as a traditional scholar,the theories on history by Yun Yuding will be classified in this paper,the characteristics of his theories be analyzed,the academic value and that of historical data of the theories be extracted and purified,on the basis of which the gain and loss of his theories on history has been evaluated objectively in the context of radical changes in the late Qing dynasty.

关 键 词: 恽毓鼎 史论 特点 价值

领  域: [历史地理—历史学]


作者 徐拥军
作者 张中鹏
作者 谢元军
作者 王涛
作者 叶霞


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
机构 暨南大学
机构 香港中文大学
