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Thoughts on and Strategies for the Governance of Off-campus Training in the Context of“Double Reduction”

作  者: ;

机构地区: 浙江师范大学教师教育学院

出  处: 《当代教育与文化》 2023年第1期54-60,共7页

摘  要: 随着“双减”政策的落实,校外培训机构乱象得到有效治理,“双减”也再次成为克服功利化、短视化教育行为,保障儿童全面健康发展的关键。然而在“双减”背景下,校外培训治理能否大力提升教育教学质量,校外培训行为能否实现全面规范,校外培训治理能否实现真正意义上的减负,校外培训治理后课后服务能否有效落实,成为需要我们进一步思考的问题。本着标本兼治的原则,以实现学校教育提质增效为目标,从完善职教体系、回归教育本质、实现灵活托管、优化师资队伍以及推动家校社共育五方面来应对校外培训治理所面对的问题。 With the implementation of the“double reduction”policy,the chaos of after-school training institutions has been effectively controlled,and the“double reduction”has once again become the key to overcome utilitarian and short-sighted educational behaviors and ensure the all-roundand healthy development of children.However,under the heat of“double reduction”,there are four issues to be further considered,such as whether the after-school training management will improve the quality of education and teaching,whether the after-school training behavior can be fully standardized,whether the after-school training management can achieve a real sense of burden reduction,and whether the after-school services can be effectively implemented.In this regard,based on the principle of treating both symptoms and root causes,this paper makes reflections on and suggestions for the off-campus training management from the following five aspects with the goal of improving the quality and efficiency of school education:improving the vocational education system,returning to the essence of education,realizing flexible trusteeship,optimizing the teaching staffing,and promoting family-school-community education.

关 键 词: 双减 校外培训治理 课后服务 学校教育

领  域: [文化科学—教育学]


作者 崔向阳
作者 魏丽芬
作者 张代琴
作者 王卫东
作者 罗永典


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院
机构 香港中文大学
机构 华南师范大学教育信息技术学院


作者 秦毅
作者 张龙
作者 黄晓彤
作者 何晓青
作者 徐平利