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A Study of Upper Echelon's Strategic Synergy Problem Based on System Science

作  者: ; (葛玉辉); (彭勃);

机构地区: 上海理工大学管理学院

出  处: 《科技进步与对策》 2013年第11期149-153,共5页

摘  要: 董事会和高管团队均是企业战略决策的核心主体,在统一的高层梯队框架下,两者如何实现战略协同、创造协同效应,成为学界迫切需要解决的问题。根据高层梯队理论及系统科学中的复杂系统理论和协同学理论,指出董事会与高管团队的关联性和互补性是创造高层梯队战略协同效应的根源,通过系统建模,对高层梯队的关联性和互补性展开分析,给出高层梯队战略协同效应函数,发现当增效价值大于零时,董事会和高管团队应进行广泛而深入的团队互动;当增效价值等于零时,团队互动过程可有可无;当增效价值小于零时,董事会和高管团队不应进行团队互动。 The board of directors and top management team are all the core enterprises subjects of strategic decisions, under the framework of upper echelons, how to realize strategic synergy and create synergy effect to them became the urgent problem which needs to be solved for academic circles. According to upper echelons theory, complex system and strategic synergy theory in system science, points out that the relevance and complementarities between the board of directors and top management team are the roots to create strategic synergy effect for upper echelons, establishes the system models to analyze the relevance and complementarities between the board of directors and top management team, sets up the strate- gic synergy effect function for upper echelons, it found that the board of directors and top management team should carry out extensive and indepth team interaction when the efficiency value is greater than zero; team interaction is not essential when the efficiency value is equal to zero; when the efficiency value is less than zero, the board of directors and top man- agement team should not develop team interaction.

关 键 词: 高层梯队 战略协同 董事会 高管团队

领  域: [经济管理—管理学]


作者 荣鹏飞
作者 宋颖
作者 邢红磊
作者 何霞
作者 苏晓华


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 宋彦军
作者 刘晓明
作者 邓蓉晖
作者 葛梅
作者 孙晓岭