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On Some Characters of Initial Zhī-Zhào-Xī in Ancient Chinese Now Pronounced as Jīng-Zu

作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳大学文学院中文系

出  处: 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 1984年第1期115-122,共8页

摘  要: 中古知照系的普通话今音一般是ts等,少数字例外,读ts等,与精组相混。本文分析了这种例外现象的现状、历史及其成因,提出了不同前人的看法:这种“例外”不是音系内部原因造成的,而是方言间影响的结果。文章根据各方言中古知照系在近代演变的方向、进程的不同,将现代方言分为两大类型和若干小类型:A型——舌尖后音化(ts),B型——舌尖前音化(ts)。上述“例外”,正是B型方言对A型方言长期冲击、持续影响的结果。文章最后指出,普通话的这种“例外”字还有继续增多的可能。 In contemporary standard Chinese pronunciation, the ancient characters of initial Zhi-Zhao-Xi (hereafter ZZX) are, generally speaking, pronounced as (ts). However, there are some exceptions pronounced as (ts), conducive to mixxing with Jing-Zǔ. This paper aims at an analysis of these exceptions—the how and why about their historical evolution. As the result of the analysis, an original idea is put forth: these 'exceptions' mark the (outcome of mutual influence among the various Chinese dialects, insted of an exclusively inherent phonetic phenomenon.In the light of ZZX's recent evolutionary courses diversified in different dialects, the essay proceeds from a bifurcation of the modern Chinese dialects into two major types, type A and type B, which could be redivided into some sub-types. Type-A dialects share a tendency of tongue-tip moving backward, leading to (ts); while the type-B dialects are undergoing the tendency of tongue-tip moving foreward, leading to (ts). The abovementioned ZZX exceptions demonstrate the continuous impinging on type-A by type-B.Finally, the essay predicts an possible increase of such 'exceptions' in standard Chinese pronunciation.

关 键 词: 普通话声母 舌尖后音 方言学 舌尖前音 部分字 精组 现代方言 中原音韵 演变过程 语音材料

领  域: []


作者 宫钦第
作者 梅丽
作者 张卫东
作者 黄耀堃
作者 曾文雄


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系
机构 河源职业技术学院
机构 深圳大学文学院
机构 香港中文大学
