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Biochemical Researches on Fatigue and Recovery after the Wrestling Model Match

作  者: (冯美云); (张士祥); ; (张爱芳); (张霞);

机构地区: 北京体育大学

出  处: 《北京体育大学学报》 1996年第2期18-25,共8页

摘  要: 通过对北京体育大学10名摔跤运动员摔跤模拟比赛后血、尿一系列生化指标的实验分析,发现摔跤是以糖酵解系统为主、无氧有氧代谢供能的运动项目。在模拟比赛后,血乳酸明显升高,但1h后消除迅速;肌内嘌呤核苷酸分解激活,血氨和尿酸生成增多,血氨和血尿酸与血乳酸指标一样,可作为运动强度和机能恢复的指标。摔跤比赛降低肾功能,赛后60min明显改善,摔跤比赛后至少24h内,机体处于蛋白质净降解状态,约2d后完全恢复。摔跤比赛对运动肌细胞有一定的损伤作用,对结缔组织损伤不明显。 Several blood and urine parameters of ten wrestlers frorn Beijing University of PE were measured after the model wrestling match. By the analysis of those biochemical indexes it was found that wrestling was an event of anaerobic and aerobic energy supply,dorninated by glycolytic system. After this match the blood lactate level increased significantly and eliminated quickly within an hour. Muscle adenylate catabolisms were activated. The amount of blood arnmonia and uric acid increased. As the index of blood lactate,blood ammonia and uric acid can be used as an index to show the exercise intensity and functional recovery. During the wrestllng match kidney function reduced, but improved markedly in 60 min. after the match. After the wrestling match the body was at a state of net protein breakdown within at least 24 hours,and recovered completely about two days later. Wrestling match injured exercise muscle cells,but did npt injured connective tissues markedly.

关 键 词: 摔跤 模拟比赛 心率 血乳酸 血尿酸 恢复 疲劳

领  域: [文化科学—体育训练] [文化科学—体育学]


作者 许奎元
作者 蒋兴斌
作者 廖樱
作者 林志峰
作者 张林廷


机构 广州体育学院
机构 广东体育职业技术学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 广州体育学院体育教育系
