作 者: (何子红); (冯连世); (张豪杰); ; (徐玄冲); (柳鸣毅);
机构地区: 国家体育总局体育科学研究所
出 处: 《中国体育科技》 2014年第3期69-72,共4页
摘 要: 研究目的:通过比较我国不同水平女子摔跤运动员专项体能的差异,了解我国世界高水平运动员的专项体能特征。研究方法:按照运动员比赛最好成绩将运动员分为世界高水平运动员组(世界锦标赛前3名和奥运会前3名)、国内高水平运动员组(国内锦标赛前3名)、国内优秀运动员组(国内锦标赛5~7名),分析三组运动员之间10项专项体能指标的差异。研究结果:1)10项体能指标总体呈现出世界高水平运动员组〉国内高水平运动员组〉国内优秀组的趋势,其中抱蹲达到显著性差异,三组之间95%置信区间依次左移。2)优秀女子摔跤运动员各指标P70(80分)以上成绩为:3200m跑:≤13min44s;400m跑:≤1min6s;硬拉≥2.19;深蹲≥1.70;卧拉≥1.25;卧推≥1.30;高翻≥1.30;抱蹲≥1.90;20s布人过胸≥8个;20s布人反抱≥7个。我国世界高水平运动员组的抱蹲、高翻、20S布人过胸均值在单项指标评分的80分,而国内高水平和国内优秀运动员组在60分。结论:我国女子摔跤运动员的专项体能呈现出随着运动水平的提高逐渐增加的趋势。我国世界高水平运动员专项体能明显优于全国锦标赛前7名运动员,其中抱蹲最为突出。教练员和运动员可以利用该数据评价运动员专项体能所处的水平,根据运动员的弱势制定个性化的体能训练计划。 The major aim of the present study was to investigate the special strength profiles of elite female wrestlers and how physiological characteristics relate to success in competition. Methods:Fifty elite female wrestlers were divided into three groups according to their best per- formance. Group 1 included the athletes who ranked in the top-3 in the Olympic Games and World Championship. Group 2 included the athletes who ranked in the top-3 in the National Games and National Championship. Group 3 included the athletes who ranked in 5 ~ 7 in the National Championship. The special strength and conditioning profile included testing of 3,200 m run time, 400 m run time, and one repetition maximums (1 RM) in specified exercises (dead lift, deep squat, prone rowing, prone press, power clean and hold and squat), reverse lock throw by puppet(20 s), and reverse lock hold by puppet(20 s). The measurements were performed from 2003 to 2012 when the athletes were in national team preparing for Olympic Games. Results:The above P70 value of 3200m and 400m run time were≤13 min 43 s and 41 min 6 s, respectively. Above PT0 absolute (relative) value for 1RM were dead lift: 2.19;deep squat: (1. 70; prone rowing: 1. 25; prone press: 1. 30, power clean: ≥1. 30 and hold and squat: 1.90. Above PT0 value for reverse lock throw by puppet(20 s), reverse lock hold by puppet(20 s) were 8,7 ~ 8, respectively. Hold and squat was significant higher in Groupl than Group2 and Group3, but other parameters were no significance among three groups. Conclusions:The percentile physiological profiles can help wrestlers and coaches to in- dividualize the training program to minimize physiological weaknesses and develop wrestling strategies to take advantage of individual wrestlerrs strengths.
领 域: [文化科学—体育训练] [文化科学—体育学]