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Research on Physical Characteristics of Chinese Elite Female Freestyle Wrestlers

作  者: (何子红); (冯连世); (张豪杰); ; (周保卫); (柳鸣毅);

机构地区: 国家体育总局体育科学研究所

出  处: 《中国体育科技》 2012年第1期89-95,共7页

摘  要: 目的:探讨优秀女子摔跤运动员的体能特征,并构建即时体能评价坐标,为科学化训练和竞技能力的判断提供参考。方法:从有氧能力、无氧能力、力量素质3个方面选择能够评价优秀女子摔跤运动员体能特征的指标进行测试分析。结果:1)有氧能力指标:VO2max平均值50ml/min/kg,3 200m跑平均成绩14min19s,二者显著相关;2)无氧能力指标:最大无氧功率均值为7w/kg,400m跑平均成绩1min11s,二者显著相关。各级别之间没有显著差异。全运会冠军部分无氧能力指标是本级别最好的;3)力量素质指标:肩关节、肘关节、膝关节、腹背肌肌力在各级别没有显著差异。各关节肌力与硬拉、深蹲、卧拉、卧推、抱蹲、20″布人过胸、20s布人提抱、20s布人反抱以及20s散手技术显著相关。全运会冠军有部分力量素质指标是本级别最好的;4)绝招技术的发展要以相应的专项力量为基础;5)体能排名与运动员的成绩和比赛表现呈现出一致性。结论:运动员比赛需要的体能是一种与专项适应的综合能力,对运动员进行体能排名,有助于判断运动员的竞技能力。 Objective:The purpose of this study is to explore the physical characteristics of Chinese elite freestyle female wrestlers and build the real-time evaluation for the scientific training and provide a reference to evaluate the competitive capacity. Method: Indicators associated with aerobic, anaerobic and strength capacities are selected and analyzed. Results:1) Aerobic capacity:The mean value of VO2max and 3 200 m is 50 ml/min/kg and 14 minl9 s,and the two indicators are significant correlated. 2) Anaerobic capacity: The averaged value of the maximal anaerobic power and 400m is 7w/kg and 1 minll s,and the two indices are significant correlation. Parts of the anaerobic indexes are best in national games champion. 3) Strength capacities: There is no significant difference among four grades in shoulder, elbow, knee and abdominal and back muscle strength,which is associated with dead lift, squat, bench pull, bench press, hold crouch, et al. Parts of the muscle strength indexes are best in national games champion. 4) The development of trick skill is based on the corresponding forces. 5) Physical ranking and the competitive perform- ance show consistency. Conclusion.. Physical fitness in competition is a comprehensive ability,and the physical ranking is help to evaluate the athletic capacity.

关 键 词: 女子 摔跤 优秀运动员 有氧能力 无氧能力 力量素质

领  域: [文化科学—运动人体科学] [文化科学—体育学]


作者 许奎元
作者 章舜娇
作者 彭瑞
作者 林劲杨
作者 陈广


机构 广州体育学院
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 中山大学
