作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
出 处: 《海洋史研究》 2015年第1期214-228,共15页
摘 要: 用友好方式追逐这种贸易已经够久了。我们[荷兰人]现在有足够的权力去阻止他们[中国人]与其他国家进行贸易,就像他们拒绝我们同他们贸易一样。HTColenbrander ed,Jan PieterszCoen:Bescheiden omtrent Zijn Bedrijf in IndiⅠ(SGravenhage:Marfinus Nijboff 1919-1934),p650:16 November 1621.——荷兰总督杨·彼得森·科恩(Jan PieterszCoen),1621年11月16日。我们今天所知的世界经济的诸多标准都是最早出现在近代早期的亚洲。葡萄牙人和西班牙人率先将他们的贸易范围由欧洲扩至全球。17世纪初,英国人、荷兰人、法兰西人、丹麦人、瑞典人及其他欧洲人也纷纷各自绕过好望角,寻找其在亚洲贸易中的份额。到17世纪中叶,他们中的一员取得巨大成功——撇开其他人的嫉妒不谈——以致在全球贸易中树起一个新的效率标准。这就是荷兰人。 In the first four decades of the seventeenth century,the VOC managed to wrest the bulk of the spice trade from the Portuguese,secure a substantial share of the Indian textile market,and extend its sphere of influence to practically every trading port in Maritime AsiaThe Company made the Chinese trade and settlement of Taiwan possible,diverted much of the Chinese trade away from the Spanish in Manila and Portuguese in Macao,and effectively competed with Asian traders in both the Siamese and Japanese marketsNo other entity in Asia could boast such a portfolioThree factors stand out as reasons for the VOCs successFirst,the Company united Dutch political and economic ambitions under a single“national monopoly”.The Dutch monopoly developed along secular lines with no ecclesiastical ties or obligationsBecause they did not have to concern themselves with both a state and religious hierarchy as was the case with the Iberians,the Dutch were able to focus more directly on the procurement of profitsSecond,the VOC had a clear longterm objective that coincided with national ambitionsThe spice monopsony was seen as the way by which the United Provinces could achieve economic prosperity and at the same time break the back of the Portuguese monopoly in Asia and Spains political hold on the NetherlandsThird,the VOC created a communications and shipping network in Asian that was unsurpassedInformation about commodities and markets was quickly and effectively exchanged between the headquarters in Batavia and the outposts in Asia enabling the Company to outmanoeuvre its rivals.
关 键 词: 全球贸易 荷兰人 东印度公司 亚洲 经营 东亚 年代 世界经济
领 域: [历史地理—历史学] [历史地理—世界史]