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Three Topics on the Research of the“Litchi Road”

作  者: (郭声波); ;

机构地区: 暨南大学文学院历史地理研究中心

出  处: 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第2期170-176,共7页

摘  要: "荔枝道"这一称谓在古代文献中非常罕见,大概晚清吴焘的《川中杂识》中才正式出现,但今天学界所谓的"荔枝道"则出现于20世纪80年代。当前学界及舆论界虽普遍使用这一称谓,但理解往往有偏差,和史实不符合,故应当谨慎使用。洋州越大巴山而南的道路用"洋巴道"指代更准确。"荔枝道"成为驿道,不能简单地理解为专为杨贵妃贡鲜荔而开,它和当时唐国力的强大以及地方行政区划的变有更为密切的关系。 "Litchi Road" was scarcely recorded in ancient documents. Chuanzhong zashi is maybe the first record. The term "Litchi Road" in present academia first appeared in the 1980s. Although it becomes increasingly popular, there are some biases in people's perceptions compared with historical facts so that the term should be used in a cautious way. The route from Yangzhou to Dazhou is more reasonable named as "Yangba Road". "Litchi Road" became post road was not only related to YANG Yu-huan, the most favored imperial concubine of Xuanzong of Tang dy- nasty, but also had a close relationship with the growing power of Tang dynasty and the adjust- ment of the administrative division.

关 键 词: 荔枝道 洋巴道 驿道 荔枝 唐代

领  域: [历史地理—人文地理学]


作者 张应强
作者 颜广文
作者 唐雯珊
作者 梁华思
作者 杜珏


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
