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The generated logic,practical picture and future prospect of the annual reporting system of a rule of law government

作  者: ;

机构地区: 吉林大学

出  处: 《民间法》 2021年第4期313-333,共21页

摘  要: 法治政府建设年度报告发布制度是非常具有本土特色的法治政府建设模式和路径,形塑了我国法治政府的进程与形态。年度报告发布制度包括向社会发布和向上级报告两个维度,是实践中推进法治政府建设的主要动力机制之一,但理论界研究不多。历程考察发现,从年度报告工作到年度报告制度最终演化为年度报告发布制度经历了近30年。通过对31个省级政府、293个地级市政府年度报告发布情况的实证研究,发现年度报告发布率与报告主体层级、报告主体经济发达程度、法治机构主政者法学教育背景呈现强关联;同时,存在地方政府制度落实动力不足等问题。为强化年度报告发布制度落实,应当完善年度报告发布制度设计、从理论上补强制度运行的法治逻辑缺陷;应当构建有利于制度落实的客观环境、从行政运作上尊重制度运行的行政逻辑;应当强化规范化标准化和信息化建设、在制度运行过程中吸纳其产生的实践逻辑。 As a mode and path of building a rule of law government with Chinese characteristics,the annual reporting system has been implemented for nearly 30 years,having shaped the process and form of China’s rule of law government.The reporting system is one of the main driving mechanisms to promote to build a rule of law government in practice,while the theoretical research has not been aroused much attention.Through the historical investigation of the policy text,it is found that the establishment of the annual reporting system has the characteristics of incremental progress and continuous trial and error,which is consistent with the improvement of other impetus mechanisms for building of a rule of law government.Through an empirical study on the implementation of the reporting system of 324 local governments,it is found that the release rate of reports is strongly correlated with the level of the report subject,the economic development degree of the report subject and the legal education background of the leaders of the rule of law institutions.At the same time,there are problems such as lack of impetus to implement the reporting system.Therefore,the logic defects of system operation should be remedied theoretically,the administrative logic of system operation should be valued,and the practical dilemmas should be solved in the process of system implementation.

关 键 词: 法治政府建设 年度报告发布制度 法治政府建设动力机制 实证研究 治理现代化

领  域: [政治法律—宪法学与行政法学] [政治法律—法学]


作者 于绯
作者 张兴
作者 唐瑶
作者 石弘华
作者 谢蔓


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 邹平学
作者 汪永成
作者 李薇薇
作者 魏红英
作者 姜铁敬