作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东第二师范学院外语系
出 处: 《北京教育学院学报》 2012年第6期44-47,62,共5页
摘 要: 中国论文摘要作者在第一人称代词使用方面与本族语作者具有差异。英美摘要作者敢于采用第一人称代词和构建高风险作者角色来表露个人身份,而中国摘要作者更倾向于少用或不用第一人称代词,以及构建低风险作者角色来隐藏自己身份。 The study analyzed the distribution and frequency of occurrence of first person pronouns in research article abstracts written in English and Chinese. The study reveals that there is cross-linguis- tic variation in the use of personal attribution in the texts. It shows that Chinese writers tend to avoid au- thorial presence in abstract writing while a comparatively higher authorial presence by English writers can be observed.
领 域: [语言文字—语言学]