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On Ezra Pound's Westernization of Li Bai's Poetry

作  者: (朱谷强); ;

机构地区: 韩山师范学院外语系

出  处: 《外国语文》 2010年第6期35-39,共5页

摘  要: 庞德与中国古典诗歌有着密不可分的关系,而李白诗歌是影响和推动庞德发动"意象派"运动的主要动力。可以说,庞德有着深深的李白情结,李白诗歌是庞德灵感的源泉。但从另外一个角度来看,庞德对李白诗歌同样有着巨大的推动作用。庞德将李白的诗歌西化并提炼了李白的文学观,将李白的诗歌提升到了诗学理论的高度;庞德从李白的诗歌中汲取营养,将李白的诗歌技巧发挥到了极致;更重要的是,庞德扩大了李白诗歌的影响范围,将李白的诗歌从汉语领域翻译到英语领域,并使之在欧美世界广为传播。 Ezra Pound,who is regarded as one of the initiators of imagism,has a close relationship with Chinese classic poetry.It seems that Pound has revealed a Li Bai complex in his works.On the one hand,Li Bai's poetry is evidently the source of the Poundian inspiration.On the other hand,Pound has popularized the study of Li Bai's poetry through his own creation.Pound has westernized and extracted the literary standpoint of Li Bai and has elevated it to the level of poetics.Moreover,in Pound's creation,some literary techniques are borrowed from Li Bai's poetry,which has evolved into a new degree.What is most important is that he has broadened the influence of Li Bai's poetry and popularized it in the western world.

关 键 词: 庞德 李白诗歌 西化

领  域: [文学—文学理论]


作者 彭燕
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作者 邹玮烨
作者 范明月
作者 彭树福


机构 学院
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 广东海洋大学寸金学院
机构 广州工程技术职业学院
机构 暨南大学
