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Perceptual Assimilation and Discrimination of Chinese Affricates by Thai Learners

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学华文学院

出  处: 《世界汉语教学》 2011年第2期276-288,共13页

摘  要: 本文考察了泰国学习者汉语塞擦音的知觉同化和范畴区分,研究表明:学习者将发音部位存在差异的汉语三对塞擦音知觉同化为发音方法相同的泰语塞擦音,对汉语塞擦音发音部位具有一定分化能力,认为汉语舌面硬腭塞擦音最像泰语塞擦音,汉语舌尖硬腭比舌尖齿龈塞擦音更像泰语塞擦音。辅音所处元音环境影响了汉泰塞擦音知觉关系,学习者认为处在熟悉元音环境下的汉语塞擦音更像泰语音,舌尖元音环境导致学习者识别送气塞擦音与擦音的发音方法出现混淆。泰国学习者所感知到的汉泰辅音关系显著地影响了他们对汉语辅音范畴的知觉区分,学习者对/■/-/■h/对立区分得最好,区分/ts/-/■/对立有一定敏感度,区分/tsh/-/s/对立受到元音环境影响。 The present study examines the perceptual assimilation and categorial discrimina-tion of the affricates in Chinese by Thai learners of Chinese.The results of the experiments show that the testees perceptually have assimilated the three groups of Chinese affricates with different articulatory positions into Thai affricates by the same manner of articulation.It is indicated that Thai learners are able,to a certain extent,to discriminate the articulatory positions of Chinese affricates.They assume that /t■/and /t■h /in Chinese are similar to affricates in Thai,especially /ts /and /tsh /.It is proposed in this study that the perceptual correspondence between Chinese and Thai affricates is affected by the vowel immediately after the consonant,because Chinese affricates in the vowel context,which the Thai learners are familiar with,appear similar to what exists in Thai phonetics.On the other hand,apical vowel context results in confusion in learners’ discrimination of the manner of articulation between aspirated affricates and fricatives.The results of the experiments have also confirmed that Thai learners are able to discriminate the /■/-/■h /contrast in Chinese most readily and are sensitive to /ts /-■ /,whereas the discrimination of /■h /-/s /is affected by the vowel context.It is concluded from this study that the perceptual cor-respondence between Chinese and Thai consonants conspicuously affected Thai learners’ability to discriminate Chinese consonant categories.

关 键 词: 泰国学习者 汉语 塞擦音 同化 区分

领  域: [语言文字—汉语]


作者 梅丽
作者 许洁红
作者 杨薇
作者 林奕高
作者 于小婷


机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学华文学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
