作 者: ;
机构地区: 深圳大学
出 处: 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 1993年第3期72-80,共9页
摘 要: 进入90年代以来,战后形成的世界两极冷战格局彻底崩溃,美国提出的建立以美国为主导的单极世界秩序战略,引起各国人民的普遍关注。作为美国世界新秩序的重要组成部分——亚太新秩序的战略构想及其前景,与我国关系尤为密切。对美国在该地区的战略调整的背景、目标、前景及其对华政策,进行深入的分析研究,这对我国在扑朔迷离的国际形势下,趋利避害,作出正确的对外战略决策,具有重大的现实意义。 When the world enters the 1990s, the bipolar cold-war pattern of theworld has come to an utter disintegration. The US-advocated uni-polar world-order strategy with it playing the leading role has aroused general concernfrom the peoples of different countries. The strategic blueprint of new Asian-Pacific order. a component part of the new world order formulated by U. S.has a close bearing on China. Therefore, a deep-going study on the back-ground. target and prospect of the U. S. strategic readjustment in this re-gion is of improtant practical significance for China to make correct strate-gic decisions in such puzzling situation of today.
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