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How does Organizational Virtuousness Foster Explorative Innovation?Evidence from China

作  者: ; (贾良定);

机构地区: 东北财经大学工商管理学院

出  处: 《经济管理》 2023年第10期27-48,共22页

摘  要: 探索式创新是我国企业摆脱当前技术“卡脖子”问题的关键,但学界对企业实现探索式创新前因认识不足。既有文献强调资源性要素的作用,忽略道德性要素的影响。本文尝试性地将组织德行(即组织的道德品质)引入创新研究领域,构建探索式创新的德行驱动理论,认为组织德行内驱企业具备长期导向、超越导向和社会导向,从而实现探索式创新。引入企业成长性、研发投入和创新成果转化作为调节变量,探究组织德行驱动探索式创新的边界条件。结合276家企业专利数据及1303份现场调查问卷的实证分析,支持了本文组织德行驱动探索式创新的判断。本文从道德性要素视角探讨企业实现探索式创新的德行驱动机理,拓展探索式创新前因研究,亦为我国企业实现技术突破路径提供理论参考。 Explorative innovation is critical for Chinese companies to overcome the technological difficulties as they face increasing fierce competitions in the global markets.Existing literature emphasizes the importance of firms'resources in achieving explorative innovation.For instance,a firm's technology capability has a positive effect on exploration while the diversity of technology has an invert U shape relationship with explorative innovation.Also,an open organizational structure is positively related to explorative innovation while the traditional hierarchy⁃based organizations are more likely to conduct exploitative innovation.Although extant studies have achieved the above progress,our understanding about the antecedences of explorative innovation is insufficient.Specifically,little attention is paid on the moral impetus.That is,a firm not only needs to possess resources and new technology which enable the achievement of explorative innovation but also needs sufficient motivation to start the highly risky activity.Integrating the moral impetus into the extant literatures thus can shift the traditional capability⁃based understandings to the development of new knowledge on the ethical drivers of firm explorative innovation.The current paper establishes a new theoretical framework of the antecedents of firm explorative innovation by highlighting the role of organizational virtuousness(hereafter,OV),defined as the virtuous behaviors in and of an organization.By integrating the explorative innovation and OV literatures into a coherent theorization,we posit that OV enables firms to better achieve explorative innovation for three reasons.First,OV enables a firm to be long⁃term oriented,thus motivating the firm to pursuit for the exploration rather than exploitation.Second,OV enhances employees'creativity as well as cultivates an error tolerance culture in the firm,which are the core preconditions of striving for excellence.Third,OV enables a firm to embrace a self⁃transcendent value,which makes a firm to overcom

关 键 词: 组织德行 探索式创新 企业成长性 研发投入 创新成果转化

领  域: [经济管理—企业管理] [经济管理—国民经济]


作者 周熠蒙
作者 杨学儒
作者 殷毅山
作者 彭祥
作者 汪林


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


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作者 周月容
作者 周宇
作者 周琼
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