作 者: ;
机构地区: 澳门理工学院
出 处: 《外国文学研究》 2007年第2期96-102,共7页
摘 要: 英国桂冠诗人特德·休斯的诗篇不仅感情炽烈,风格严谨,富于形象,而且极富创新意识,大胆触及前人很少、甚至根本没有涉足的领域。长篇叙事诗《沉醉》便是一个典范。一方面诗人把敏锐的触角伸入大自然的深处,竭力要还大自然既有母亲般温柔,又有虎狼般残暴之本来面目;一方面又以锋利的投枪毫不留情地剥开西方所谓“现代文明”外衣下一个个心理变态的灵魂。英国圣公会牧师浪姆(LumbA)的“复制品”(LumbB)本来负有双重使命——即为人类繁殖后代和给人以精神复活,结果却给教区带来肉体和灵魂的灭顶之灾。因此,我们说休斯的《沉醉》展示出在批判意识上不亚于艾略特《荒原》的一幅战后西方精神与灵魂失落的废墟图。本文着重探讨分析休斯《沉醉》中极具视觉震撼力的几组由文字构成的全景、长景、特写“镜头”。 This paper attempts to explore the beauty and profundity of Ted Hughes' narrative epic Gaudete (1977). With the cinematic images and shocking events in Gaudete, the poet seems to compel the reader, on one hand, to make connections to some mythological background such as the White Goddess, the rites of Attis and Dionysus and Osiris; and on the other, to critically examine the horrors and violence in modern society as well as the huge dislocation of the body and soul of the modern Western man who struggles in a soulless wasteland.
关 键 词: 文化废墟 特写镜头 恐怖与暴力 肉体与心灵错位
领 域: [文学—其他各国文学]