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A Dialectical Research of Multiple Assessment of POA-Based Practical English Writing in a Blended Teaching Environment

作  者: (关成勇); ;

机构地区: 中原工学院外国语学院

出  处: 《外语电化教学》 2021年第2期30-36,5,共8页

摘  要: 该研究采用辩证研究范式,以问卷调查、文本分析、课堂观察、在线测试等为研究工具和方法,以产出导向法(POA)为教学理念,以线上线下混合式教学为环境,旨在构建、实践并完善英语应用文写作多元评价理论框架。该框架涵盖多元化评价主体和多元化评价方式。研究发现:(1)多元化的主体应以师生主体为主、机器主体为辅;(2)多数评价方式应遵循"逐级提示"策略,包括师生合作评价、在线测试、驱动问答点评、促成问答点评、教师随机指导、教师集中讲评等;(3)不同的评价方式实现不同的评价目的,包括"以评促学""以评为学"和"以评促教";(4)多元评价能有效提升学生(尤其是高水平学生)的参与度与获得感,促进"以评促学""以评为学"和"评学融合";同时,多元评价也促使教师反思改进,促进"以评促教"和"评教融合"。 As a theory of foreign language teaching,Production-oriented Approach( POA) involves activating,enabling and assessing stages,and has been extensively applied to foreign language teaching practice and research under the traditional teaching mode with more attention paid to the activating and enabling stages.However,as a key part of POA,the assessing stage has been rather under-researched. Hence, this research focuses on assessing and endeavors to construct a theoretical framework of multiple assessment of POA based Practical English Writing in an online and offline blended teaching environment. To construct, practise and improve the theoretical framework of multiple assessment,the authors adopt the Dialectical Research Paradigm( DRP) due to its comprehensive design of formulating,practising and reflecting on a theory. The theoretical framework of multiple assessment involves multiple subjects and multiple assessment methods.Multiple subjects include teachers, students, teacherstudents and machines,while multiple assessment methods include"group voting for the best","class voting for the best", " peer-review", " teacher’s personalized guidance", "teacher’s overall comment", " Q &A comment", "TSCA( Teacher-Student Collaborative Assessment) ", " Automatic Writing Evaluation( AWE) ","online test","SAT( Student Assessment of Teachers) questionnaire",and"teacher reflection". The framework of multiple assessment upholds the hypothesis of assessment for learning, assessment as learning and assessment for teaching.To find out the interactive mechanism of multiple subjects and multiple assessment methods, the authorsselected 60 undergraduates who had selected the course of Practical English Writing and conducted two cycles of dialectical research. With an analysis of data collected from Canvas-based online tests, questionnaires, peer-review drafts,AWE,www. ketang. cool,and teacher reflection, the study found that multiple-subject assessment should take teachers and students as the center,and the machine as the suppleme

关 键 词: 多元评价 混合式教学 产出导向法 辩证研究

领  域: [语言文字—英语]


作者 杨勤勤
作者 林晓凡
作者 邹红英
作者 于秀玲
作者 张雪


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州体育学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 东莞理工学院城市学院
