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Politeness in Drinking Gongfu Tea:from the Perspective of Community of Practice

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院

出  处: 《广西师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第2期49-57,共9页

摘  要: 采用教育人类学的民族志方法,以实践共同体为理论视角,探索潮人在日常生活中如何构建与传承茶"礼"。发现以老辈、客人为核心的敬茶规范和以恭让—谦让为主的让茶过程。普通人通过"代际学徒模式"学习茶礼,在日常生活的多代共同参与中,儿童或年轻一代逐渐由"边缘性参与"过渡到"充分参与",建构身份、传承文化内涵。面对全球化、西方化的冲击,实践共同体的视角对中国本土文化遗产保护和传承研究更具现实意义。 With ethnographic approach from educational anthropology,and community of practice as the explanatory f ramewo rk,this paper explores how politeness 'm ted and rnherited tn daily life by the people tn Chaoshan region. It reveals the basic norms centered a-round the senior and guest and giving others priority featured by gongrdng (politely offering) and qidnrdng (modestly taking). Common people can learn the etiquette through internal generational ap-prenticeship. In their co-participation with the elder generation in daily life, kids and youngsters inher-it the cultural essence of li (etiquette) by gradually moving from peripheral participation to full partic-ipation. In the face of the impact from globalization and westernization, this perspective has more practical significance for the protection, inheritance,and promotion of Chinese cultural heritage.

关 键 词: 教育人类学 工夫茶礼 日常生活 传承 实践共同体

领  域: [] []


作者 郭晓静
作者 高鲲
作者 张仙凤
作者 孙齐鲁
作者 陈椰


机构 香港中文大学
机构 中山大学
机构 嘉应学院
机构 广东石油化工学院
机构 广州体育学院
