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Effects of Employment Contracts and Trade Unions on Labor Rights: Evidence from CGSS 2008

作  者: ; (刘明巍);

机构地区: 华东师范大学社会发展学院人口研究所

出  处: 《社会学评论》 2014年第1期57-70,共14页

摘  要: 劳动合同和工会是维护劳动者权益和协调劳动关系的重要机制,但其实际效果却存在很大的争论。本文通过对中国综合社会调查(CGSS2008)数据的分析,发现劳动合同在保护员工合法权益和促进劳动标准的实施方面发挥了重要作用;劳动合同员工享受法定社会保障的概率显著高于非劳动合同员工,且经常性加班、违反劳动法律规定的非法延时工作的概率显著低于非劳动合同员工;尽管工会在促使企业遵守劳动法规如提高劳动合同签订率和法定失业保险覆盖率等方面发挥了一定作用,但工会无法为员工增加工资和额外福利,甚至不能维护劳动者的某些合法权益。以个体劳权为核心的劳动关系调整机制无法满足广大劳动者日益增加的法外权益的诉求,从而逐渐暴露出劳动合同制度的局限性。改革工会制度、发展和完善集体劳动关系已是势在必行。 Whether employment eontraets and trade unions ean proteet Chinese workers' rights and interests has been hotly debated. Based on analysis of CGSS2008 data, this paper shows that employment contraets play an important role in protecting workers' legal rights and promoting the enforcement of labor standards. Compared with those who do not have employment eontraets, employees with employment eontraets are more likely to have mandatory social insuranees and less likely to work overtime or illegal overtime. Although unions may play a significant role in promoting the enforeement of eertain labor regulations sueh as giving workers employment eontraets and marldatory unemployment insuranee, unions do not have significant effeets on wages, additional benefits, and some other workers' legal rights. We eonelude that it is neeessary to further improve the employment eontraet system, workers' growing interest based demand has made the limitations of the eurrent labor relations governanee meehanism that eenters on individual labor rights inereasingly evident. Therefore, it is urgent for China to reform trade unions and develop an effective governanec meehanism of eollective labor relations.

关 键 词: 劳动合同 工会 工资 社会福利

领  域: [政治法律—民商法学] [政治法律—法学]


作者 莫楠
作者 陈泳欣
作者 刘山茂
作者 黄江夏
作者 郭华武


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学岭南学院


作者 钟明霞
作者 钟澄
作者 蒋学跃
作者 杨剑
作者 姚秀兰