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A Study of Differences in High-Heat Communication of Social Media Focused Events in the Beijing Winter Olympics Games-Qualitative Comparative Analysis Based on Sina Weibo and Twitter

作  者: (张德胜); ;

机构地区: 武汉体育学院

出  处: 《广州体育学院学报》 2023年第2期15-25,共11页

摘  要: 以北京冬奥会焦点事件为研究对象,时间限定在正赛期间,筛选获得新浪微博40起、推特10起相关事件,探寻北京冬奥会社交媒体焦点事件高热度传播机制。运用定性比较分析方法(QCA),围绕“事件-传播”理论框架,分析北京冬奥会焦点事件高热度传播的单因素必要性和充分性结果以及组合因素作用路径,结果表明事件类别、事件指向、平台参与和意见领袖是新浪微博和推特焦点事件高热度传播的必要因素和必要条件。针对北京冬奥会焦点事件组合因素作用路径分析发现,体育赛事传播要警惕有关西方“无心政治”和“反智主义”说辞的偏向引导;“有为”与“无为”的辩证关系成为中西方体育赛事传播的差异关键;以自媒体为首的非主流媒体正在成为体育赛事焦点事件热度传播的主力群体。 Taking the focus events of the Beijing Winter Olympics as the research object,with a time limit during the competition period,40 events related to Sina Weibo and 10 events related to Twitter were selected to explore the high popularity dissemination mechanism of social media focus events of the Beijing Winter Olympics Games.Using the Qualitative Comparative Analysis(QCA)method,based on the“Event Communication”theoretical framework,this study analyzes the necessity and sufficiency of single factors in the high popularity dissemination of Beijing Winter Olympics focus events,as well as the path of combined factors.The results indicate that event categories,event directions,platform participation,and opinion leaders are necessary factors and conditions for the high popularity dissemination of Sina Weibo and Twitter focus events.Based on the analysis of the action path of the combination factors of the focus events of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games,it is found that the propagation of sports events should be alert to the biased guidance of the western“mindless politics”and“anti-intellectualism”rhetoric;The dialectical relationship between“action”and“inaction”has become the key to the differences in the dissemination of sports events between China and the West;Non mainstream media,led by self media,are becoming the main group for spreading the popularity of sports events.

关 键 词: 北京冬奥会 焦点事件 热度传播 定性比较 社交媒体

领  域: [文化科学—运动人体科学] [文化科学—体育学]


作者 吕立
作者 陈从乐
作者 孟雅喆
作者 齐立斌
作者 黄俊维


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学传播与设计学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 东莞理工学院
