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A Tentative Analysis of the Implied Social Meaning of Written Language

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学西方语言文化学院法语系

出  处: 《现代外语》 2001年第1期54-60,共7页

摘  要: 本文通过一项深入到跨文化企业的调查,分析中法两个文化赋予“书面语”的不同的社会意义以及这一方面的文化差别所造成的误会与冲突。作者认为,“口头语”和“书面语”在不同的文化中都可以是有效的交际手段。文化间的差异,并不在于两者的对立,而在于支撑两者的背后的价值观念的不同、两者使用的具体情景的不同以及人们对两者的认识与态度的不同。 Written materials, either a letter or a document or a fax, do have some characteristics in common. For example, they are written for reading, have a material carrier, and can be perceived and traced. These are the innate characteristics of written language, which do not have a close relation with the language user. But the concept of written language that is aroused by the above characteristics varies from culture to culture. In other words, written language may imply diversified social meanings in different cultures. 揥riting?is a social behaviour, and it is constrained by the social conventions like other social behaviours. Thus not every everything can be written about. And this is more or less the same in every society that has a writing system. Any two cultures having different social conventions distinguish their degree and focus on the constraints of the use of written language. Chinese culture is featured with its strong hierarchical concept, and it is an unmarked behaviour, which is in perfect agreement with the main stream of Chinese culture, to use written language which accords to the social ranking rule, and any violation of this rule turns out to be marked as a manifestation of the implied critical or rebellious social meaning. Chinese culture possesses a strong sense of collectivism, and the interpersonal relation within a group is founded on the basis of 換ing (Sentiment)?and 揗oqi (Tacit understanding)? thus the main communicative means is 搒poken language?that is filled with sentiments. Due to its being too 憆ational?and 慹xplicit? written language sometimes appears inappropriate; but in western societies that are strongly individualistic, what organize individuals into a group are 揷ontract?and the laws as a kind of 揼eneral contract? The use of 揷ontract?and 搇aws?cannot be realized without the written language, as a result, written language becomes the means of maintaining public order and controlling the behaviours of social members. The analysis made in this paper is based on a

关 键 词: 口头语 书面语 文化内涵 词汇学

领  域: [语言文字—语言学]


作者 郑立华
作者 高胜林
作者 张慧荣
作者 叶青
作者 刘茁


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 罗定职业技术学院


作者 张莹
作者 李丹
作者 陈平文
作者 徐郑慧
作者 宁天舒