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The Image of Zilu in Japanese Literature and Its Archetype in Chinese Classics:A Case Study of Nakajims Atsushi's Disciples

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华中师范大学外国语学院日语语言文学系

出  处: 《世界文学评论(长江文艺出版社)》 2006年第2期206-209,共4页

摘  要: 日本昭和初期小说家中岛敦出生于汉学世家,其汉学修养与其文学成就有着密不可分的关系。他一生发表的主要小说作品大都取材于中国的古代典籍或中国古代文学作品,这些作品在日本常常被称为是“历史小说”,但这样称谓又显得过于简单。笔者认为,这些小说固然有“历史小说”的属性特征,但其中又有非常明显的非历史性和看似不经意却是刻意“创作”的成份,而这正是文学研究最应该注意的地方,因为这能够使我们从另一个角度了解文学形象的确立过程,可以窥视到作家创作的特质所在。本文仅以中岛敦代表作之一的《弟子》为中心展开论述。 Nakajima Atgushi is a Japanese novelist bom to a sinologist' s family. His literary achievements are closely related to his profound knowledge of Chinese culture. Most of his published novels based on a source of either Chinese historical classics or ancient Chinese literary works are called ' historical novels. 'But this term seems too simple to cover the profound content of his novels. This article believes that Nakajima Atsushi' s novels show characteristics of 'historical novels,' but undoubtedly they also show obvious non-historical elements that are seemingly careless but actually deliberate and creative, often being highlight for literary studies, because it is often these points that help us to find out the making of a literary image from a different perspective, and to discover the originality of a writer. By taking his Disciples as example, the essay discusses this argument in detail.

关 键 词: 中岛敦 原点依据 弟子 形象确立 艺术抵抗 文学特质

领  域: [文学—其他各国文学]


作者 李俄宪
作者 江小娟
作者 沈奕为
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机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系


作者 李小均
作者 肖小军
作者 车洁
作者 刘朝晖
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