作 者: ;
机构地区: 华中师范大学外国语学院日语语言文学系
出 处: 《外国文学研究》 2012年第6期63-71,共9页
摘 要: 在日本左翼文学研究领域,二战时期左翼作家的大面积转向问题一直是一个复杂的难题。大多数左翼作家在政府的高压政策和军国主义的残酷镇压下,脱离左翼文学阵营,又大面积发生了左翼作家参加侵略战争、创作战争文学的事实,这在世界左翼文学史上都是罕见的现象。其中火野苇平、上田广、石川达三的战争文学作品,甚至被批判为"侵华文学"、"文学战犯"等等,但如果换一个角度,从左翼作家因素、从文学本体和文本自身的超时空存在来把握的话,虽然这些作品在创作意图、时代环境因素以及战争等当时的社会效果方面属于侵华文学范畴,但其中左翼文学青年早期形成的马克思主义阶级意识和平民意识、作品整体印象上模糊的反战意识,或者可以给清醒的读者留下反思契机。本文主要以左翼作家的战争文学作品为中心,对其创作机制、艺术方法选择及形成进行了探讨。 In the research field of Japancese left-wing literature, the massive-scale turn of the left- wing writers during WWII has always been a complicated issue. One can rarely find in world history of left-wing literature that not only a large number of left-wing writers, because of the high- handed government policy and the merciless suppression of militarism, broke away from left-wing writing, but also a lot of them joined the agreesive war in person, and produced war literature. Among these works, those of Ashihei Hino, Hiroshi Ueda and Ishikawa Tatuzou are even criticized as the "literature of the aggressive war against China", and the writers as "literary war crimi- nals". However, a careful consideration of the left-wing writers, and of the timelessness and ahistoricalness of literary ontology and the literary text itself, provides us with a new perspective into the issue. It' s true that the writing purposes, the social-historical context and the social effect of the above-mentioned works qualify them as literary works of the aggressive war against China. Yet, within the works, palpable are the Maxist class consciousness and civilian consciousness by the left-wing writers gained in their youth, and the vague anti-war consciousness permeating the whole text, which can possibly lead the insightful readers to profound rethinking. This article, therefore, has as its research focus the war literature produced by the WWII left-wing writers, and aims to explore and discuss its writing mechanism, and the choices and formation of its artistic devices.
关 键 词: 日本左翼作家 文学转向 战争文学 民族主义 从军作家 火野苇平
领 域: [文学—其他各国文学]