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Relations between Images and Themes in Japanese Literature and Choices of Chinese Subjects:A Case Study of the Relation between Nakajima's Ox-man and Zuozhuan

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华中师范大学外国语学院日语语言文学系

出  处: 《外国文学研究》 2008年第2期124-132,共9页

摘  要: 利用中国题材进行文学创作的作家及其作品形成了日本文学一道独特的风景线。然而这些作品绝不是对中国历史人物事件的再现或诠释,而是通过形象表现了日本文学自己的主题。中岛敦取材于《左传》的代表作之一《牛人》,通过鲁国贵族叔孙豹的生平断面,表现了中岛文学的一贯主题。本文通过考察原典材料、作品本身结构上的特色,凸显这部小说的创新之处:在形象塑造上,采用去善存恶的方法突出叔孙豹的自我中心和极端固执的性格特征、运用典型化的手法将阴险丑恶的竖牛描写成外部世界严酷恶意的象征;在作品构造上,五个段落、两个梦境的设置渲染了凝固的气氛、阴暗的影像。可以说这种氛围和影像与命运充满恶意的观念结合在一起,形成了中岛文学创作的认识论根源之一。 The literal)T works which borrow Chinese subjects and their creators become the unique phenomenon in Japanese literature. However, these works are not mere representations and interpretations of Chinese historical characters and events, but manifestations of Japanese literary themes and aesthetic pursuit through those images. Ox-man, one of Nakajima' s masterpieces, drawing material from the story of Zuozhuan, reflects the persistent theme of Nakajima' s literature by describing the life story of Shu Sunbao, a noble of Lu Dynasty. The paper intends to illustrate the innovation of the novel by using data of original allusion and structural characteristics which are not retorted to in previous studies. In the creation of characters, Nakajima highlights Shu Sunbao' s egotism and extreme stubbornness by using the method of eliminating good to be evil, and characterizes Shuniu as a symbol of evil in the external world by using typification technique. In structure-building, the plot evolves around by five paragraphs' centering on Shuniu and the setting of two dreams strengthens the somber and still atmosphere, deepening the dark and gray image. It can be said that this kind of atmosphere and image is combined with evil ideas of fate, which forms one of epistemological roots in Nakajima' s literary creation.

关 键 词: 原典资料 去善存恶 去恶存善 春秋左氏传 暗黑 牛人

领  域: [文学—其他各国文学]


作者 李俄宪
作者 程依荣
作者 梁志芳
作者 梁志芳
作者 刘文星


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学历史文化学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学


作者 李小均
作者 肖小军
作者 车洁
作者 刘朝晖
作者 张广奎