作 者: ;
机构地区: 香港中文大学
出 处: 《当代语言学》 2002年第3期201-224,共24页
摘 要: 手语语言学的发展历史虽然只有短短的数十年,但已吸引了不少语言学家的注意并参与其研究工作。本文首先介绍手语语言学的发展近况,然后讨论手语语言学和语言习得研究的关系。其结论为聋童也享有语言天赋,他们语言习得的能力不比健听儿童差。本文从聋童手语发展中的语音和形态句法去探讨这个问题。另外,我们认为,聋童的语言发展受到外来语料输入的限制,研究聋童的语言习得较研究健听儿童的口语发展更为复杂,对语言习得理论有特殊意义。 Since 1960s, linguists are turning their attention to sign language as source of language data with an aim to verify to what extent sign language reflects natural language properties. This quest has led to the burgeoning of publications in sign phonology, morphology, syntax as well as semantics in recent years. This development has two consequences; it encourages the training of deaf sign linguists and has laid a theoretical foundation for investigation into sign language acquisition. There are two parts to the paper. First, we will provide an overview of the development of sign linguistics as a discipline of research. Most studies focus on ASL and some other on non-Asian sign languages but very few on Asian sign languages. Earlier studies aim at providing a preliminary description of the internal structure of the data collected. Recent analysis attempt to couch the discussions within the generative paradigm. In the second part of the paper, we will see how these discussions feed into our general inquiry of language acquisition on the basis of a review of the acquisition studies conducted so far. It is posited that there is an additional channel, the visual modality, through which linguistic information may interact with UG, leading to language acquisition. As the field develops, much data is called for, especially data from Asian sign languages.
关 键 词: 语言习得 语言学 语言天赋 外来语 句法 语料 语音 十年 首先 限制
领 域: [语言文字—语言学]