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On the Political Ideal of Confucian before Pre-Qin Dynasty

作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳市社会科学院

出  处: 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2016年第4期121-132,共12页

摘  要: 政治理想是政治思想的核心部分和最高点。先秦儒家的政治思想很复杂,但是其政治理想却相对接近。从对尧舜与禹汤文武之间态度的差别,可见孔子政治思想的核心问题是人而非周礼更非王权。从孟子对于"先王"的诉求和对尧舜"圣"的判断,从对不道君主的否定到对能臣的否定,从对"势"的否定和对人伦的绝对肯定,尤其是从对豪杰之民的肯定到对文王绝对作用的否定,其政治价值观已经超越孔子的民本思想,具有"民权"思想特质。荀子虽然在儒家理想与法家的手段之间出现徘徊,但政治价值观的立足点在于民是可以肯定的。在如何通向理想政治的方法论上,孔子主张克己复礼,这不仅仅是保守主义的问题,更深刻的矛盾是,恢复周礼至多只能恢复文武之道,并未能达到尧舜之治;孟子推行先王之教,推行德政,在战国中后期功利主义的大潮中,几乎没有任何实用价值;荀子想摆脱孟子方法论上的苍白,借鉴的却是法家政治手段,开创了古代中国社会"儒法互用"的先声。孔孟政治方法论上的疏空,虽然留下阐释空间,但得出儒家有"专制倾向和权威主义"或"开明专制"这样的判断,是缺乏史料基础的。 The political ideal is the heart and ultimate objective of political ideas.It is obvious that Confucius and Mencius opposed the hereditary monarchy and the privatization of power from their different attitude towards Emperor Yao,Emperor Shun and Dayu,Tang of Shang,King Wen and King Wu of Zhou Dynasty.Because of Mencius' demand for the ancient sage emperors and his judgment on the ‘Sage'of Emperor Yao and Shun,his disapproval of the tyrannical kings and able ministers,his rejection to power and absolute affirmation on human relationships,especially his approval of the heroes and his deny on the favorable comments on King Wen's ruling,Mencius' political values had transcended Confucius' people-oriented thought and got the characteristics of the thought of civil rights.Although Xunzi was wandering between the ideal of Confucian school and the means of Legalist school,his political value is certain and footed in the people.The Confucian thinkers had different ideas on how to realize their political ideals.Confucius insisted self-restraint and returning to rites,which was not just a problem of conservatism.The profound conflicts,however,was rooted in his assertion.To recover the rites of Zhou Dynasty could only restore the mode of the governing of King Wen and Wu,but the justice and order during the times of Emperor Yao and Shun would not appear again.For Mencius,it was almost of no practical value in the utilitarianism tide in the middle and late Warring States period to promote the instructions of the ancient wise emperors and pursue the benevolent rule.And Xunzi adapted the political means of Legalist school and wanted to make up the deficiency of Mencius' methodology,which created the foundation for what was socalled the theory of "the Interaction of Confucianism and Legalism"by later Chinese society.Although the deficiency in Confucius and Mencius' political methodology left much room for interpretation to the future generations,it is probably without sufficient historical basis for Du Weiming

关 键 词: 儒家 孔子 孟子 荀子 民本思想 民权思想

领  域: [政治法律—政治学]


作者 关万维
作者 罗彩
作者 高春海
作者 仲红卫
作者 张祥干


机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 香港中文大学
机构 华南师范大学政治与行政学院


作者 唐娟
作者 孙晓玲
作者 宋腊梅
作者 刘琳
作者 范绍庆