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On the Personal Characteristics of the Chinese Knight in Feudal Socielty

作  者: (徐彩桐); ;

机构地区: 天津理工大学体育教学部

出  处: 《北京体育大学学报》 2008年第4期555-557,共3页

摘  要: 人们习惯称封建社会的习武者为"侠",而侠者最为明显特征为"游",从分析游侠产生的社会条件入手,根据仁、忠、义、孝、恕等几个封建道德基本要求,对游侠的价值观念进行了对比分析。结论:人生价值观与封建道德要求的巨大差异,是游侠之"游"的最根本体现,游侠没有固定的社会集团归属,他们对封建社会生活中最基本的"士、农、工、商"四个行业都没多大兴趣,经常干违法的事情,来维持自己奢华生活,游侠有着桀骜不驯的个性,对忠、义、信、孝、恕等内容都有自己的见解。除了具有"游"的特点以外,游侠还时时以"武艺"为安身立命的根本。"游"与"武",清楚地折射出了中国封建社会习武者的人格特征。 This paper studies the social surrounding in which the Chinese Knight was brought up. According to the demand of humanity, loyalty, justice, dutifulness and forbearance in the feudal society, this paper makes a comparison and analogy. Conclusions: The evident difference between the Chinese Knight' s view of life value and the feudal morality embodied the “wandering”of Chinese Knight clearly. “The Chinese Knight did not be divided into any social groups.”Ilaey usually were not interested in “scholar, agriculture, industry and business” which were the found mental matter to make a living in the feudal society. In order to support their luxury lives, the Chinese Knight often broke the law. Usually they had disobe- diem personalities so they considered humanity, loyalty, justice, dutifulness and forbearance in their own ways. In addition to the character of “wandering”, the Chinese Knight always looked the“martial art” as the necessary thing to support their lives. So the characterisitics of people who practiced martial art in the feudal society can be seen from the Chinese Knights' “wandering” and“martial art”.

关 键 词: 游侠 封建道德 价值观

领  域: [文化科学—民族体育] [文化科学—体育学]


作者 刘占鲁
作者 高龙
作者 蔡宝忠
作者 马伯韬
作者 蔡东丽


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州大学
