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Analysis on the Current Situation and Strategy of College Students’Employment Education from the Perspective of Innovation and Entrepreneurship--Take Guangdong Communications Polytechnic as an Example

作  者: (陈玲); ;

机构地区: 广东交通职业技术学院

出  处: 《广东交通职业技术学院学报》 2021年第4期118-124,共7页

摘  要: 就业是民生之本、财富之源,是人民追求美好生活的最基本支撑。职业教育作为跨界教育,如何在国民经济发展和教育改革创新大变局中凸显职教类型特色,办好人民满意的类型教育,其关键在于以就业为导向的毕业生实现的高质量的充分就业。就业创业教育作为国家创新驱动发展战略下高职院校的重要实践或举措,有必要从双创视阈重视大学生就业创业教育本质及价值定位。本文通过系统梳理近年来关于大学生就业创业政策演变及发展规律,深刻把握新时期创新创业视阈下大学生就业创业新形势、新变化、新要求,立足所在院校,针对现实进行反思,剖析成因,明确双创视阈下大学生就业教育本质及价值定位。从政策执行、方案制定、课程教学、师资队伍等四个关键层面提出应对策略,以期推动高职就业创业教育改革。 Employment is the foundation of people’s livelihood,the source of wealth and the most basic support for people’s pursuit of a better life.As a cross-border education,how to highlight the type characteristics of vocational education in the great changes of national economic development and educational reform and innovation,and run the type education satisfactory to the people,the key lies in the high-quality and full employment of employment oriented graduates.As an important practice or measure of higher vocational colleges under the national innovation driven development strategy,it is necessary to pay attention to the essence and value orientation of college students’employment and entrepreneurship education from the perspective of mass entrepreneurship and innovation.By systematically combing the evolution and development law of college students’employment and entrepreneurship policies in recent years,deeply grasp the new situation,new changes and new requirements of college students’employment and entrepreneurship from the perspective of innovation and entrepreneurship in the new era,based on the colleges and universities,reflect on the reality,analyze the causes,and accurately define the essence and value orientation of college students’employment education from the perspective of mass entrepreneurship and innovation.This paper puts forward countermeasures from four key levels:policy implementation,program formulation,curriculum teaching and teaching staff,in order to promote the reform of employment and entrepreneurship education in higher vocational colleges.

关 键 词: 创新创业 就业教育 政策演变 价值定位 内在关系

领  域: [文化科学—职业技术教育学] [文化科学—教育学]


作者 柯婷
作者 钟劼
作者 杨潘升
作者 王树华
作者 李智超


机构 东莞职业技术学院
机构 广东轻工职业技术学院
机构 广州番禺职业技术学院
机构 广东科学技术职业学院
机构 深圳职业技术学院


作者 谭属春
作者 王波
作者 朱方来
作者 韩奇生
作者 陈宝华