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From First Philosophy to“Metaphysical Experience”:An Analysis of Adorno’s Basic Idea of the Reconstruction of Metaphysics

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华中科技大学

出  处: 《长白学刊》 2024年第1期22-33,共12页

摘  要: 阿多诺否定了传统上的第一哲学,把形而上学和经验科学结合在一起,形而上学由此不再是一个脱离现实的玄思,而变成关注人类生存境遇的哲学。阿多诺试图通过“形而上学经验”的概念建构一种新的形而上学,这种形而上学必须关注人的生存体验。但是关注生存体验不是要从绝对性出发把这种体验观念化,而是要关注生存斗争中肉体被压制的特点。而关注生存体验也不能丧失超越的维度,形而上学经验既包含了超越的维度,又包含了经验的维度,并把二者结合在了一起。从这个角度来说,形而上学经验也是在现实中所产生的对幸福的期待,这个被期待的幸福既是超越性的,又有客观基础。毋庸置疑,历史唯物主义是从关注人的吃喝住行的经验生活的物质基础开始的,也包含了对共产主义的期待,阿多诺关于形而上学经验的思考为进一步深化和拓展历史唯物主义研究提供了有益借鉴。 Adorno negates the traditional first philosophy and combines metaphysics with empirical sci‐ence.Therefore,metaphysics is no longer a metaphysics divorced from reality,but becomes a philosophy con‐cerned with human existence.Adorno tried to construct a new metaphysics through the concept of“metaphysi‐cal experience”.This metaphysics must focus on human’s experience of life,but this experience should not be completely spiritualized from the perspective of absolutism.Focusing on the experience of survival requires at‐tention to the characteristics of physical suppression in the struggle for survival.The transcendent dimension cannot be lost by paying attention to the experience of life.Metaphysical experience contains both transcendent dimension and experiential dimension,and combines them together.From this perspective,metaphysical experi‐ence contains the expectation of happiness produced in reality.The expectation of happiness is not only tran‐scendent,but also has an objective basis.There is no doubt that historical materialism starts from the material basis of people’s eating,drinking,living and traveling experience,and includes the expectation of communism.Adorno’s thinking on metaphysical experience provides a useful reference for further deepening and expanding the study of historical materialism.

关 键 词: 第一哲学 形而上学经验 阿多诺 幸福

领  域: [哲学宗教—世界哲学]


作者 黄汉林
作者 王兴国
作者 涂成林
作者 徐立文
作者 朱刚


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
