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Environmental Features of the Micro-landforms of the Spatial Distribution of the National Rare Species of Firmiana danxiaensis on the Danxiashan Mountain

作  者: (欧阳杰); (彭华); (罗晓莹); ;

机构地区: 广东开放大学

出  处: 《地理科学》 2017年第10期1585-1592,共8页

摘  要: 以广东丹霞山狮子岩—阳元山景区为研究地,以国家珍稀濒危保护植物丹霞梧桐(Firmiana danxiaensis)的空间分布为研究内容,通过实地考察获取其空间分布的数据(经纬度、海拔、坡度和坡向等),利用Arc GIS10.0在精度为1 m的DEM地形数据上进行空间分析,总结丹霞梧桐空间分布的微地貌环境特征。研究发现:(1)研究区丹霞梧桐主要分布在海拔180 m等高线穿过坡度60o附近的土壤比较贫瘠的垂直节理或水平层理比较发育的崖壁上,并与圆叶小石积(Osteomeles subrotunda)、忽地笑(Lycoris aurea)、卷柏(Selaginella tamariscina)等植物伴生,属于比较耐旱的崖壁植物;(2)丹霞梧桐的空间分布不受坡向因素的严格制约,坡度和海拔是影响丹霞梧桐分布的2个重要因素。根据以上分布规律,可以推测180 m等高线穿过坡度60o地带的丹霞山其他崖壁地带,亦可能会有丹霞梧桐的分布,并建议在目前已经发现丹霞梧桐分布比较集中的狮子岩东南坡,设立国家珍稀濒危保护植物丹霞梧桐重点保护带。 The core areas Shiziyan-Yangyuanshan of Danxiashan of Guangdong Province are selected to study the spatial distribution of Firmiana danxiaeasis which are the national rare and endangered plants. The mi- cro-landforms environmental features of spatial distribution of Firmiana daniaensis are summarized through the data (longitude, altitude, slope and aspect) which obtained by the investigation on-the-spot, and the space analysis on the DEM terrain data with 1 m resolution by using ArcGIS 10.0. From the spatial distribution and slope morphology of Danxia, the Firmiana danxiaensis in the study areas are mainly distributed at the Danxia cliffs with vertical joints or horizontal beddings and the altitude of 180 m or so and the 60~slope with relative barren soil where always can be found some plants such as Osteomeles subrotunda, Lycoris aurea, Selaginella (re- vive grass), etc. They all belong to drought to lerant plants. The spatial distribution of Firmiana danxiaensis is not restricted by the factor of the aspect, but the slope and the altitude are the two important influencing fac- tors. According to the above distribution rules, the Firrniana danxiaensis presumably distribute at the cliffs of the Danxiashan outside of the study areas with the altitude of 180 m and the slope 60~. We actively recomned that it is necessary to establish the important protected belt for the Firrniana danxiaensis of the national rare and endangered plants in the southeast of Shiziyan of Danxiashan as early as possible. Our study is useful for comparing with the other five China Danxia World Natural Heritage sites (Taining of Fujian Province, Chishui of Guizhou Province, Longhushan-Guifeng of Jiangxi Province, Langshan of Hunan Province, Jianglangshan of Zhejiang Province). We can analyze and summarize the spatial distributions and environmental characteris- tics of micro landforms related to the national rare and endangered plants, and establish China Danxia World Natural Heritage key protection belts in the future.

关 键 词: 丹霞梧桐 空间分布 丹霞地貌 广东丹霞山

领  域: [生物学—植物学]


作者 吴志才
作者 梁章萍
作者 陈生
作者 王安良
作者 麦梓莹


机构 中山大学
机构 韶关学院旅游与地理学院
机构 韶关学院
机构 中山大学旅游学院
机构 暨南大学
