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Legal dogmatics Analysis Concerning Altruistic Contract System--On the Interpretation of Article 522 of the Civil Code

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学法学院

出  处: 《时代法学》 2021年第4期39-50,共12页

摘  要: 利他合同存在真正利他合同与不真正利他合同两种类型,具有保护第三人信赖、降低订约及履约成本、保障当事人意思自治等多重价值功能。《民法典》第522条为利他合同制度之规范,仅适用于债权人与债务人之间为合同之债的情形。当事人约定利益第三人条款可通过明示或默示方式,认定利益第三人约款须考虑合同目的及履行情况。第三人行使拒绝权必须以明示方式,但可向合同当事人任何一方发出。受益第三人在合同履行完毕前不享有所获利益的处分权。债权人行使合同法定解除权,须经第三人同意;债务人行使法定解除权则无此要求。 There are two types of altruistic contracts,real altruistic contracts and unreal altruistic contracts,which have multiple value functions such as protecting the trust of third parties,reducing contracting and performance costs,and ensuring the autonomy of the parties.Article 522 of the Civil Code is the norm for the altruistic contract system,which is only applicable to the situation where the debt between the creditor and the debtor is a contract.The parties agree that the third party benefit clause can be expressed or implied,and the purpose of the contract and the performance of the contract must be considered in determining the benefit of the third party agreement.The third party's right of refusal must be expressed in an explicit manner,but it can be issued to any party to the contract.The beneficiary third party does not have the right to dispose of the benefits obtained before the completion of the contract.The creditor's exercise of the statutory right to rescind the contract requires the consent of a third party,but the debtor's exercise of the statutory rescission right has no such requirement.

关 键 词: 利他合同 合同相对性 第三人 直接请求权

领  域: [政治法律—民商法学] [政治法律—法学]


作者 廖艳嫔
作者 汤文平
作者 谢雄伟
作者 徐素萍
作者 谢雄伟


机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 佛山科学技术学院政法学院
机构 华南农业大学人文学院法律系


作者 钟明霞
作者 钟澄
作者 蒋学跃
作者 杨剑
作者 姚秀兰