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The Human Sense of Righteousness and the Origin of Judicature System

作  者: ;

机构地区: 浙江大学经济学院经济学系

出  处: 《学术研究》 2010年第2期43-47,96,共6页

摘  要: 公共品博弈是经济学研究的一个经典模型,这一模型为解释个体与群体、个人与社会的关系提供了精致的范本。个体在公共品博弈中所采取的具有机会主义倾向的"搭便车"行为,在某种意义上可以扩展为一切违背社会公正和社会道义的行为,其极端者甚至可以包括通过诈骗、偷盗、抢劫甚至谋杀等手段获取自身的利益的刑事犯罪。人类文明的起源表明,所谓社会秩序事实上就是人类不断与这些反社会行为斗争的结果。为了解决公共品博弈过程中个体的"搭便车"行为,经济学提供了一系列方案。其中,惩罚与奖赏被认为是解决这一难题最有效的途径。惩罚与奖赏恰恰是现代司法制度最本质的构成要素。通过公共品博弈的研究,我们可以较好地解释人类正义感与现代司法制度的起源,并进一步解释效率与正义、效率与法律之间的关系。 The game of public goods is a classical model in economical research, which offers an exquisite pattern for explaining the relation among group, individual and society. In the game of public goods, individual’s behavior of getting a lift like opportunism may extend to be any behavior violating social justice and social morality. And its extremist ones may even obtain benefit for themselves through criminal offences included fraud, stealing, robbery or even killing. The origin of human civilization indicates that, in fact, the so-called social order is a result of human being’s continuous struggle against those anti -social behaviors. To settle the behaviors of getting a lift in the game of public goods, economics has offered a series’schemes, in which punishment and award are accepted as the most effective two ways to settle the difficult problem. According to our opinion, punishment and award are just the most essential constituents in modern judicature system. Through theresearch on the game of public goods, we may well understand the origin of human justice and modern judicature system, and further explain the relationship between efficiency and justice, and that between efficiency and law.

关 键 词: 公共品博弈 搭便车 正义感 司法制度

领  域: [经济管理—政治经济学]


作者 姚秀强
作者 罗贵榕
作者 张伟军
作者 严芳
作者 黄迎虹


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 韶关学院法学院
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南理工大学法学院


作者 阮萌
作者 甄学军
作者 刘洁
作者 余文烈
作者 王梅