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Retirement Delay:Unified or Differentiated?——Based on the Interaction Between Pension Deficit and Labor Market

作  者: (邹铁钉); ;

机构地区: 浙江工商大学经济学院

出  处: 《财贸经济》 2015年第4期134-145,共12页

摘  要: 本文从养老金亏空与劳动力市场的联动效应出发,为延迟退休方案的选择机制构建了一个数理模型,并对分类延迟退休和普遍延迟退休的经济效率和政治可行性进行了模拟分析。研究结果表明,延迟退休时间的长短和延迟退休的类型到底该如何选择,取决于养老金亏空降解效果的好坏、就业挤出效应的大小以及政治可行性的高低。从延迟退休的政策效果来看,轻度延迟退休要好于深度延迟退休,分类延迟退休要好于普遍延迟退休。而参保者的人力资本状况及其个体差异性所带来的工资率和工作成就感的差异则是政策效果不一致性的根本原因。根据人力资本积累规律和劳动力供求情况分类延迟参保者的退休时间,会取得更好的养老金亏空降解效果,对新增劳动力的就业冲击也会更少。然而,要想切实提高延迟退休的政策效果,还得依赖于人力资本状况的改善。强化参保者尤其是低劳动技能者的职业培训和学历教育,是化解养老金亏空危机和缓解社会就业压力的必由之路。 Based on the interaction of pension deficit and labor market, this paper analyzed the selection mechanism of retirement delay, and the economic efficiency and political feasibility of both unified and differentiated retirement delay. The study results showed that, judging from the policy effect, mild delay is superior to severe delay while differentiated delay is superior to unified delay. The differences in wage rate and job achievement brought by human capital condition and individual differences are the root reason for different policy effects. Because high skilled workers own more human resources and common workers own less, it is conducive to conduct severe delay for former ones and mild delay for the latter and this measure will help solve the problem of pension deficit and ease the pressure of unemployment. However, the policy effects of retirement delay depend on the improving of pensioners' human resource condition. So, it is essential to emphasize the job training and degree education of pensioners, especially the low skilled ones.

关 键 词: 养老保险 养老金亏空 延迟退休 劳动力市场

领  域: [经济管理—劳动经济] [经济管理—国民经济]


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