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A Study on the Regularity of Development Stages of Chinese Outstanding PE Teachers and Their Promoting Factors

作  者: ;

机构地区: 北京体育大学

出  处: 《体育科学》 1994年第6期10-15,共6页

摘  要: 综合运用多种研究方法,从整体性、综合性角度,总结了全国第2届千名优秀体育教师的年龄教龄分布、中年成才、专业化程度高的整体特征;全面分析了他们所显示的“教学、训练、科研”相结合的综合成就优势。首次揭示与论证了优秀体育教师成才发展的4阶段规律与时间特征,其主要成果及创造力表现在第3、4阶段。优秀体育教师的成才发展大多具备良好的客现因素、主观因素与智能优势。并且只有3方面相互积极作用才能造就优秀人才。 Multi-research approaches were employed synthetically in this study . The general characteristics of the distribution of ages and teaching years , professional accomplishments during middle age , and high specialization of the 1 , 000 outstanding physical education (PE) teachers selected over the whole country for the second time were sunmmatlzed in an integrated and comprehensive way . Their advantages of comprehensive achievements in the combination of 'teaching , training and researching ' were analyzed in an all- round way . The regularity of four development stages and temporal features of the outstanding PE teacners were revealed and expounded for the first time , with their main achievements and ereativity shown in the third and fourth stages . Most of the outstanding PE teachers possessed proper objeetive factors , subjective factors and intellectual advantages in their development , ana only through the active interaction of these factors could outstanding PE teachers be fostered ,

关 键 词: 优秀体育教师 整体特征 阶段规律 促进因素

领  域: [文化科学—体育训练] [文化科学—运动人体科学] [文化科学—体育学]


作者 张学研
作者 周登嵩
作者 周永卫
作者 李志华
作者 卓影


机构 广州大学
机构 华南师范大学政治与行政学院
机构 南方医科大学研究生学院
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 广东白云学院
