作 者: ;
机构地区: 广西民族大学文学院
出 处: 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第1期1-5,共5页
摘 要: 在新的文学语言建设中"五四"学人各自担当了不同的角色,或首倡或参与,地位与贡献不可一概而论。作为重要参与者之一,钱玄同热情响应胡适、周作人等的思想主张,并就文学语言的开放与兼容、真切与精确、普及与适用等关键问题进行了精彩的发挥。即如文学是语言文字的血液,古语、方言、外来语在白话文中高下有别,民间文艺乃口语与书面语之中介,以及唤醒民众须以接近言语之自然的语言等等,无不有益于一种新文学语言观的完善。草创固然寓有拓荒之功,但滥觞也并非全无意义。 Scholars of the May 4th Movement have played different roles in the construction of new literary language, some of them initiators while others participants. As an important participant, Qian Xuantong enthusiastically responded to Hu Shi and Zhou Zuoren's opinions, and aired views on some key topics, such as the essential impact of literature on language, the diverse functions of archaic, dialect and loan words, the intermediary of folk literature and art between speech and writing, etc. , which are conducive to the construction of new literary language. Initiation is rather remarkable, but participation is also fairly valuable.
领 域: [文学—文学理论]