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"Radical" Rhetoric in the Context of Speech of the New Culture Movement

作  者: (古大勇); ;

机构地区: 泉州师范学院文学与传播学院

出  处: 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2010年第5期70-74,共5页

摘  要: 以钱玄同为代表的五四新文化先驱"反传统"的"偏激",一方面表明了五四先驱对于传统的基本态度,另一方面,这也是他们一种在斗争中的表达策略。其实,五四新文化运动好似一场关乎生死存亡命运的群体大辩论,新旧阵营分别属于辩论的正反方。既为大辩论,为了取得辩论的效果,就应该采取辩论所需要的表达方式,"偏激"就成为正方辩手所采取的最佳表达方式之一,而这显然是一种特定言说语境中的修辞策略,不可作脱离特定语境的僵化式理解。在具体操作实践的层面,五四先驱对传统文化多采取辨证取舍的态度,既有批判,也有肯定,既有破坏,也有建设。新时期以来,学术界出现了"重评五四"的思想潮流,一些学者对五四的文化激进主义作出严厉批评,但如果能还原到特定历史现场和言说语境,把"偏激"视为五四先驱所运用的一种具有修辞性质的表达策略,那么,我们对五四先驱的文化激进主义的评价也许就不会过于苛刻。 How to understand the " radical" attitude in the " anti-tradition" movement in the May 4th,indicated basic attitude to tradition of pioneers in the May 4th.And it was their strategy for expression in the struggle.In fact,the New Culture Movement was like a great debate between the new camps and old camps,which related to the fate of their living and death.In order to achieve the effect of the debate,they should take the necessary expression in the debate." Radical" attitude became the best expressions by the pioneers in the May 4th,which obviously was a rhetorical strategy in the specific speech context.On the side of of practice,pioneers in the May 4th took a dialectic attitude to the tradition.Recently,some scholars severely critized of the cultural radicalism of the pioneers in the May 4th.But if we can restore to a particular historical scene and speech context,look " radical" attitude as a rhetorical strategy,we will not appraise the cultural radicalism of the pioneers in the May 4th too harsh.

关 键 词: 反传统 偏激 修辞策略 钱玄同 辩证取舍

领  域: [文学—中国文学] []


作者 魏继洲
作者 侯桂新
作者 刘华萍
作者 方琼英
作者 蔡红女


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
