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Solidification and Reconstruction:the Research of Dulong's Identity and Border in Northwest of Yunnan Province

作  者: ;

机构地区: 云南民族大学

出  处: 《青海民族研究》 2015年第3期60-65,共6页

摘  要: 边疆的界定通常是基于一个主权国家客观存在的政治地理界限,以及中央与地方历史互动过程中文化权力关系的彼此定义而形成。在西南中国的滇西北山区,经过独龙、藏、怒、傈僳等族群与国家之间的历史互动与交织,形成了多元文化"混杂"的边疆地理区域。本文以独龙人为个案,在边境开发和族群关系的历史情境下,讨论多元族称到统一族名的历史实践过程,以及由此产生族群关系的"再边界化"问题,并揭示国家力量在此过程中的影响和作用。 Defining border always bases on some objective existences, such as politics, geography, cultural and rights' relationships between national and local. Then, discussing the historical and cultural groups in border areas cannot avoid politics and economics in this nation, however, previous researches about the national and local relations always simplified into bilateral relationships: ruler and ruled, which overlooked rich and complex dynamic relationships between nation and local. In northern mountainous borderland between China and Burma, several ethnic groups, such as Dulong, Nu, Tibet and Lisu, communicated and interacted with each others, these mutual relationships among different ethnic groups shaped the Hybridity zone in border areas. This research takes Dulong as an example, under the background of border development and relationships among different ethnic groups, to discuss re-bordering ethnic relationships inside and outside one ethnic group, and how their identity was reconstructed in different periods and background, and then to discuss how the powers of nation affect border areas.

关 键 词: 族群边界 独龙江 独龙族 再边界化

领  域: [社会学—民族学]


作者 张劲夫
作者 魏乐平
作者 张西现
作者 周云水
作者 吴成立


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院
机构 华南师范大学文学院


作者 吴翠明
作者 杜洁莉