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The Value and Utilization of Mulberry-Dike-Fish-Pond in the Pearl River Delta in Perspective of the Agricultural Heritage

作  者: ; (司徒尚纪);

机构地区: 中山大学地理科学与规划学院

出  处: 《热带地理》 2010年第4期452-458,共7页

摘  要: 对照联合国粮农组织对全球重要农业文化遗产项目价值标准的解释,详细分析评估珠三角桑基鱼塘的农业文化遗产价值,剖析其现状与问题,认为珠三角桑基鱼塘具有非常突出的农业文化遗产价值,具体表现在:具有丰富的生产多样性、生物多样性和文化多样性;体现了人与自然的和谐共处、人与社会的协同进化;蕴含着朴素的循环经济与生态文明思想;促进了当地社会经济的可持续发展。但目前珠三角桑基鱼塘已大面积萎缩和濒危,亟需采取一系列措施实行科学保护与合理利用:及时申报世界农业文化遗产;积极向现代生态农业升级换代;开发为旅游休闲与科普教育基地;发挥湿地功能,优化生态安全格局;加速向珠二三角以外地区转移和推广等。 Mulberry-dike-fish-pond is a unique land use system and agricultural scenery with long history, profound culture as well as excellent economic, ecological and social benefits. Referring to the standard of the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems by FAO, the authors analyze and estimate the agricultural heritage values of Mulberry-dike-fish-pond carefully, point out its present situation and problems, and expound its outstanding values in agricultural heritage in the PRD. The Mulberry-dike-fish-pond system is characterized by its rich diversity in production, biology and culture, the harmonious relation between human and nature, the coordinated development of human and society, the common thought about Circular Economy and ecological civilization. However, Mulberry-dike-fish-pond in the PRD has declined sharply and almost died out, so it urgently needs to be protected and utilized rationally. The authors put forward the following suggestions: applying for the World Agriculture Cultural Heritage, updating actively the system to modern ecological agriculture, constructing some dike-pond farms specially for ecotourism and popularization of scientific knowledge, giving full scope to the function of the wetland to optimize the ecological pattern, and spreading the dike-pond system to the outside of the PRD.

关 键 词: 桑基鱼塘 农业文化遗产 珠江三角洲 生态文明

领  域: [历史地理—人文地理学]


作者 郭盛晖
作者 叶显恩
作者 陈敬堂
作者 朱小莉
作者 游建西


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东省社会科学院
