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Attentional mechanism operation in second language lexical acquisition:A Dynamic Systems Theory perspective

作  者: ;

机构地区: 惠州学院外语系

出  处: 《外语界》 2015年第6期54-60,共7页

摘  要: 基于动态系统理论,本文提出二语词汇习得中的注意机制运作是个复杂的动态系统。在语言输入、学习任务、环境和学习者个体差异等因素的交互影响下,注意的类型,意识的程度和层次,注意力的稳定、广度、分配和转移随时间变化,呈现动态非线性、自组织性和蝴蝶效应等特点。文章进而提出在课堂教学中提升无意注意、强化有意注意、交替使用无意注意和有意注意等建议,以此优化学习者注意机制,提高其二语词汇习得效率。 Based on the Dynamic Systems Theory, this article proposes that the operation of the attentional mechanism in second language lexical acquisition is a complex dynamic system. Under the interactive influences of language input, learning tasks, environment and learners' individual differences, types of attention, degrees and hierarchies of consciousness as well as stability, width, distribution and transference of attention vary from time to time, featured with being non-linear, self-organized and having "butterfly effects". The article further puts forward such suggestions as raising learners' unconscious attention, enhancing their voluntary attention, and integrating the unconscious attention with voluntary attention to optimize the attentional mechanism and improve the efficiency of second language lexical acquisition.

关 键 词: 动态系统理论 二语词汇习得 注意机制运作

领  域: [语言文字—英语]


作者 王小宁
作者 邓景毅
作者 曹永强
作者 秦峰
作者 陈淮


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 华南农业大学外国语学院
