机构地区: 暨南大学国际学院东南亚研究所
出 处: 《东南亚研究》 2010年第4期48-53,共6页
摘 要: 本文以ASEAN ISIS在创设亚太安全合作机制——ARF中所发挥的作用为例,分析亚太认知共同体在安全机制建构中的作用,即提出和形成一种新的安全观,并推动亚太安全观的社会化与机制化。这一研究表明,在适当的情况下,认知共同体也可以在国际安全合作领域发挥重要作用。 With the case of ASEAN Institute of Strategic and International Studies ( ASEAN ISIS), this paper aims to discuss the role of Epistemic community in the construction of security cooperation mechanism in Asia-Pacific region - ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF). The research finds that ASEAN ISIS plays a role by forming a new concept of security and promoting it to be socialized and institutionalized. So it could be concluded that if the situation is appropriate, Epistemic community can also play an important role in the field of international security cooperation.